Bakugou can Joke?

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The bakusquad was buzzing as they sat down in class. Their Bakugou was dating someone. He had found a girl that actually put up with him (Though they were a bit worried for her sanity). They whispered furiously between themselves, leaving Bakugou alone for once. The rest of the class looked at them curiously, why weren't they talking to Bakugou? And why did they look so... animated?

"I'm telling you! She has to be in the hero course!" Mina yelled, startling the rest of the class.

"But there's no Amanda in the hero course!" Sero yelled back.

"Maybe she's in another school's hero course?" Kirishima added.

"Oh?" Mina turned on him, "And how would Bakugou know someone from another school's hero course?!"

"Or he gave us a fake name." Kaminari mused.


"HE BETTER NOT HAVE!" Mina screamed.

"Why are you guys worrying over some girl Bakugou knows?" Todoroki asked.

"Because he's dating her!"

"WHAT?!" the entire class screamed at that.

"Oi! Fuck off Pinky! Who I'm dating isn't any of your fucking business!"

"Wait." Kirishima's eyes went wide. He pointed at Bakugou. "There's no way it's someone named Amanda! When you mentioned you had a crush to me, you said-"

"He mentioned he had a crush to you!" Mina exclaimed, "and you didn't tell me!"

Bakugou snorted. "Go ahead Shitty Hair. Tell her what I said."

Mina started shaking Kirishima. "What. Did. He. Say!?"

Kirishima kept staring at Bakugou. "He said it wasn't a girl."

The room quieted.

"Yeah no shit. It's a man, duh."

Midoriya stifled his giggles as the rest of the class's jaws dropped.

"You made a joke!" Kaminari exclaimed. "An actual joke!"

"Wait," Sero said, "if it's not "Amanda," then who are you dating?"

"That's for me and him to know, and you to find out when we feel like fucking you guys over."

Midoriya was holding back tears of laughter at this point. He knew Kacchan. They'd tell the bakusquad, dekusquad, and the rest of the class soon enough. But they were going to have so much fun messing with them first. Midoriya steadied himself and manipulated his expression of sudden understanding.

"Wait... is that the guy I saw you walking home with the other day? Were you taking him to see Auntie?"

It was Bakugou's turn to try to keep a straight face. Damn this nerd is good.

"Yeah," he leaned forward and grabbed the collar of Deku's shirt, "now shut up if you don't want me to blow your face off!"

Midoriya put his hands up. "Of course, Kacchan!"

When Aizawa came in, he saw Bakugou holding Midoriya's shirt and Midoriya with his arms up. The rest of the class looked like they were preparing to pull them off of each other, but Aizawa saw the mischievous glint in their eyes. What were those two trying to pull?

"Bakugou, Midoriya, stay after class. Now sit down. It's time for class."

Bakugou let go of Midoriya, Aizawa could see the laughter in their eyes and internally groaned. Whatever those two problem children were planning was definitely going to leave him with a headache.

"Ok you two. What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked.

"I know you two get along fine now. So why were you two at each other's throats."

They exchanged a look.

"The bakusquad figured out I was dating someone."

Aizawa's eyebrows raised. "You're what?"

"I'm dating someone. I told them their name was Amanda."



Both Midoriya and Bakugou looked ready to combust with laughter.

" two are dating." Aizawa could feel a headache coming on.

Bakugou pulled Midoriya to him, "we are if you won't tell the class."

Aizawa sighed, "not planning on it. You can go to your next class now."

"Thank you, Aizawa-Sensei!" Midoriya smiled as Bakugou pulled him through the door.

Those two... Aizawa let out a tired chuckle. A man, duh.

Uhhh, we hit 1K reads?! Thank you!!! (Also, I hope you guys enjoyed the joke. It's one of my favs and I really wish there was a girl version of it.)

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