Tears and Naps

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Bakugou knew Izuku would be crying. It's why he came to his dorm after classes were over. He knew how Izuku got his quirk, knew what his dream was before he got a quirk. Aizawa's words would hit him hard.

And he was right.

Bakugou hadn't even knocked, just walked right into Midoriya's room. He saw Midoriya on the bed, tears pouring down his face, and locked the door, sitting next to him on the bed and wrapping his arms around him.


"I know, Izuku. I know."

Midoriya's crying increased, he was hanging onto Bakugou with all of his strength, trying not to break down completely. Someone thought he could have been a hero without a quirk. His teacher, who called him problem child and told him he would be useless without control on his first day, said that he would have been able to be a hero without a quirk. Aizawa picked out all of his strengths that would have allowed him to be a hero without a quirk.

Bakugou held him. His friends knew he would be studying alone today. Tuesdays and Thursdays he studied alone. He knew no one would bother them, everyone was downstairs hanging out. So he laid Izuku down, pulling the blanket up to cover them as he set his phone timer for an hour.

"Just relax..."

Bakugou kept his arms around Midoriya as they laid down, running one hand up and down his back and the other through his hair. He felt Midoriya relax, tears slowing, and eyes beginning to blink close. He felt Midoriya fall asleep.

And Bakugou joined him.

Bakugou woke up to his timer. He turned it off, nudging Midoriya.

"Hey, nerd."


"Deku. Izuku, it's time to get up."

"Kacchan," he yawned, "what time is it?"

"About 4:45."

"What! Omgoodness! I still need to study and-"

"Cool it nerd. We studied for hours last night, but if it makes you feel better we can go to my room and study together again."

Midoriya looked up at him and smiled softly. "I'd like that. And Kacchan."


"Thank you for earlier."

"Don't mention it."

So Bakugou and Midoriya snuck, without their classmates seeing, to Bakugou's dorm to study. And like last time, they found themselves enjoying it. They knew the material, talked through it and discussed it like pros, and ultimately, they shared the same brain waves. They knew what the other was thinking and studying was... easier together. They could help each other in ways they both understood and they didn't get too distracted, though sometimes a subject just brought up class shenanigans that made them both laugh.

Bakugou enjoyed studying with Midoriya. It was a nice change to study with someone who was focused and driven, and more importantly, didn't ask stupid questions. In fact, he kind of wanted to do it more often.

"Hey nerd."

"Yeah, Kacchan." Izuku said, looking up from the notes he was currently looking over.

"Do you want to study like this more often? I study with the idiots every Monday and Wednesday, but maybe we could study together Tuesday and Thursday?"

Midoriya gave him a blinding smile. "Sure Kacchan! I'd love to! Studying with you is a lot more fun, and more productive, than studying on my own!"

"Then it's a plan." Bakugou said, with what looked to be a small, very small, smile.

Thus it was set. Bakugou and Midoriya, the two rivals of class 1-A, were study buddies. Study buddies who, if they worked together, could dominate the hero course. And all of their teachers knew it. 

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