Let's beat up All Might

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Kirishima officially loved studying with Todoroki. He didn't get mad when Kirishima needed help and he could calmly explain what Kirishima was doing wrong and how to fix it. It was peaceful.

Though he did find that he was having a lot harder time focusing. He couldn't stop thinking about this morning and waking up next to? on? Todoroki. He was warm. And comfortable. And... he was talking.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" Kirishima asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to study again tomorrow?"

"Oh, Mina wanted to go to the arcade tomorrow after school, but I'm sure I'll be back by at least 6. Would that work?"

Todoroki nodded. "That'd be fine."

"Sweet! So, um, how do you do number 7 again?"

Todoroki chuckled, not that Kirishima noticed, and leaned in next to him, pointing to where Kirishima went wrong.

He's so close. Todoroki thought. He wasn't usually this comfortable with being this close to people. Even Midoriya was kept at a distance besides the occasional hug. But he was actually comfortable with Kirishima. Perhaps that's why he let Kirishima sleep on him last night.

Todoroki glanced at Kirishima. He was cute when he was focused. He might not be the smartest person in the class, but he sure is one of the kindest... and one of the cutest. Okay, the cutest. He shook his head. Off topic. Besides, Kirishima is probably straight. And his sperm donor would get in the way.

Midoriya flicked his finger at Bakugou, sending him flying across the training center.

"Ya know, nerd. I don't think this is quite what the living sleeping bag had in mind when he said we could have a day or two off!" Bakugou yelled at him.

"And? Since when do you feel like passing on training?"

"I don't. I'm just saying, I doubt this is what he had in mind!"

"Great. Because I was hoping for another hour or two!"

Midoriya ran across the training center, his quirk allowing him to move without Bakugou picking up on his plan. He pushed himself off the side wall before tackling Bakugou to the ground.

Bakugou grinned before flipping them, pinning Midoriya's hand above his head.

"You really thought you could pin me?"

"Nope, but I thought I could push you off with my legs and see how far you flew."

Bakugou's eyes widened as Midoriya pushed him off, using his quirk and his legs to send him flying. Damn nerd. He thought as he landed. He's getting way too fucking good at this.

Their training continued for a couple of hours. Bakugou and Midoriya going back and forth without a true winner. They were pretty evenly matched. Aizawa watched from the viewing point on one of the walls. He sighed. It didn't surprise him that Bakugou and Midoriya were here. They could never rest for too long. It wouldn't surprise him if the two of them thought this was resting. But watching them did get him away from Yamada for a bit. He was being louder than usual today. And it was giving him a headache.

He scanned the training field again. Those two were good together. Too good. It was like they'd been practicing together for years. And Aizawa already knew that wasn't true just from what he could put together of their middle school years. It made him wonder just how good they would have been if they had been training like this since middle school.

Then again, Midoriya didn't have his quirk in middle school. Aizawa wasn't stupid, Midoriya was just too new at using his own quirk at the beginning of the school year. Then there was that issue of him registering his quirk right before the start of the school year. It made him look into Midoriya's background a bit. The kid was tougher than he looked, he was sure of that much. But he had to wonder why the kid's quirk had waited so long to show up. And why it seemed so close to All Might's. But Aizawa didn't need all the answers. As long as Midoriya isn't killing himself or breaking more bones, then he could deal with it. ...or beat up All Might until he give Aizawa the answers he wants later. Aizawa did have a feeling All Might had something to do with all of this.

Sorry I'm late guys. I appreciate you all being patient with me! 

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