Extra 2 (oops, this happened)

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Enji could hear an incessant beeping noise in the background. He didn't remember setting his alarm with anything other than the sound of All Might coughing up blood... He opened his eyes, immediately closing them again at the brightness of the room. After a moment, he tried again, blinking until he could keep his eyes open under the fluorescent lights.

Is-is this a hospital? Enji pressed the button on the side of the bed that lifted him into an upright position. He was in a hospital. A damn hospital. He looked around, startling when he realized that he wasn't in the hero ward, the usual golden stripes along the wall replaced with the dark blue of the general public ward.

What the absolute fuck?

He racked his brain for the reason he was here. Last he remembered, he'd agreed to help with the hero duo exams... Wasn't he partnered with the incompetent giant? Who'd he go against again? "from what Shocchan has told me" His eyes widened. The green bone breaking kid. And the feral explosion kid. "Hey, Endeavwhore!" Then again, maybe they were both feral. Rabid?

That green kid has to be on drugs. Who the fuck can break their bones that many times and call the number two hero a whore?

The door opened, breaking Enji out of his thoughts. Nezu, some police detective, and a representative from the hero commission walked in.

"Endeavor." The commission representative nodded at him.

"Why am I in the general public ward?"

"My! Aren't we feeling blunt today Mr. Todoroki!" Nezu smiled at him, his eyes glinting. "However, anyone without a hero license and isn't a student at a heroics school is sent to the general public ward, unless of course they're caught in an upper-level villain attack."

"I am a hero."

"Actually," Nezu's smile widened, "the footage from the exams was leaked. Unfortunately, the press took to verifying the statistics Mr. Midoriya mentioned. It turns out, the general public hadn't heard the statistics before and rioted. You were stripped of your hero license yesterday."

"What? It's only been a couple of hours since the exam!"

The commission representative cleared their throat. "Actually, it's been three days. Deku's last hit knocked you out and gave you a concussion."

Enji gaped at them. "Yo-you can't revoke my hero license!"

"We already did!" Enji was starting to really hate Nezu's smile. "I think you'll find that any heroic acts you commit will now be seen as vigilantism and you'll be arrested on such charges!"

Enji didn't hear the rest of what they said. His heroics license was revoked. He wasn't a hero anymore. He vaguely noted when the three of them left. D-did that green brat really get him fired?

A notification on his phone broke him out of his thoughts.

From Shoto:


I love this person

- Platonically

- I enjoyed your exam performance

- And Mido's

- I liked Mido's more

- I heard your heroics card was revoked

- Good

- They're gonna investigate you for child abuse now

- Mom's gonna get out of the hospital

- Touya came back out of spite

- ill see you in court

- Bastard


That's my boyfriend

- It turns out breaking your merch is cathartic 

- I love my boyfriend

- Fuyumi and Natsuo like him too

- So does touya

- And mom

- I dont think youll ever meet him


I love my class


Enji threw his phone. 

Mp3/jpeg translations (just in case anyone can't decipher them):

Mido'smyfavperson.mp3 - Mido's my fav person

Kiriandiwasteoyourmoneyonyourmerchandbreakit.mp3 - Kiri and I waster your money on your merch and break it

Endevwhorepostertheclassmade.jpeg - Endevwhore poster the class made

Burninganendevwhoreeffigyintheschoolcourtyard.mp3 - burning an endevwhore effigy in the school courtyard

I was looking at comments on the Endevwhore fight chapter and couldn't help myself lol

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