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Christian laid back on the rocking chair going front and back, deep in thought. His hand held the red liquid glass between his fingers while his eyes rested close. The clock went on "tick-tock", the only thing that dared to make a noise in this dangerous cessation. The eyeballs of the man kept turning on the inside while his brows scrunched from time to time. The room was filled with darkness that no light could eliminate.

The chair creaked when it came to a halt and the door of the room was opened. Christian remained silent with his eyes still closed while his nose did the work. "What is it?" the man asked upon being disturbed at his contemplating time.

"I found two werewolves sniffing around the border, sir" the person who just entered the room answered. He was tall with broad shoulders, and a hood covering his whole body and face, except his almost black lips. His hair was below the shoulders peeking out of the hood from the sides.

"I see...." Christian retorted. "But, why are you here?" he asked, a bit irked at the guy's arrival. The guy remained silent for so long before opening his mouth.

"I heard Cora left the borders and I wanted to see you" there was a lot of innocence in his voice. Behind the hood, his eyes danced on the floor as his hands shivered in Christian's presence. Christian sighed and stood from his chair which made the guy take two steps back. The guy stood half a foot above Christian but even a blind person could see who the intimidating one was.

"Listen, Samael. And listen very carefully. I made you, just to destroy the ones that come on to me, didn't I?" he said bluntly to which the guy, Samael nodded. "How could you do that when you act like this?" his voice was calming like silk. Anyone in the room can be fooled for him to be a very affectionate father figure but the scene next would shatter the assumption.

"I-I'm sorry" Samael apologized immediately.

"There you go again" he chuckled with his head facing downward. The second he raised his head, Samael was pinned to the wall by the hood on his head while a knife poked his cheek drawing out blood. His face was revealed which a pale color and dazzling blue eyes while his well-built body shivered.

"Samael... Samael... Samael... my son, I will not eat you away" the ruthless man laughed ironically folding his hands and watching the guy going stoic as the knife dared to go more in.

"I told you, darling. You should be strong like your father"

"Y-yes, father" his shimmering blue eyes showed pain but no tears. It was like he was used to it, used to bear the pain daily. Used to the knives cutting him down.

"Look.Me.In.The.Eye.When.You.Talk" he gestured towards his eyes with the fingers which made the knife move from Samael's cheek to his eyes. It stood straight and an inch away from his retina. One movement wrong and the knife could slit through his head.

"Yes, father" his lips trembled making eye contact with the blood-shot eyes as if the knife is not just threatening to destroy his eyes forever. His hands were turned into fists, the long nails peeling the palms.

"Yet you barely do it" he twirled his short hair and sitting back on the chair. "I'm disappointed, tch"

"I'm sorry, father" his voice did not tremble this time, because his father disliked fear. He despised it.

"Hmmm... What do we do to chastise you?" he smirked drinking away his bloodshot drink. The liquid slid sensually from the corner of his lips while he gulped down the sour taste.

Christian was handsome. Utterly handsome. His cheekbones were high, lips all red and round blood-shot eyes. He was a carbon copy of his older brother excluding the eyes. But he didn't age as Christopher did. He was still the same young man, he was twenty years ago when he was tossed out of the pack.

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