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The twins were walking into the woods of Christian's lands for the past fifteen minutes now. The sequence of trees has not come to a halt from their pack lands. They were still very tall blocking the view of any usual airplane or a bird flying above.

"I know this is a stupid thing to ask but could you please erase all the embarrassing things I said or did before" Blake mumbles with his cheeks flushing with color.

"........." Samael looks at his brother through the shoulder and turns back without saying a word. His lips twitch to form a smirk but there he controls. "Embarrassing?"

"Yeah.... you know- how I- about father and before, when we first met-" the younger alpha explains in all bits and pieces. It was super awkward and embarrassing for Blake to admit how he behaved when he first met his twin. Samael didn't tell him that he was the No-Name, No-ID guy, but the way the warlock distanced himself from Blake when he met him again was explainable.

"I don't remember anything though" the warlock acts.

"Good!" the younger alpha jump on his toes. Well, this was his way.

"Except-" he teases.

"Except?!?" the happy dance of the little alpha stopped immediately.

"Except the fact how you made me a very bland white dish," the words stopped the man's nerves. "Bland white dish?!?"

"That is called pasta!" he huffed.

"Yeah same thing" Blake had his mouth open, and his eyes squinted.

"Same thing?!? Wow!" he felt offended by calling his ever-made dish bland. He needed more classes from Easton, he guessed.

"Joking," the warlock told in a monotone, with zero hints of anything being "funny".

"Asshole!!" the alpha kicked his twin on his calf. The hit didn't flinch the warlock as he was already expecting it. He chuckled a little bit and that sound was new to his ears too.

He kind of liked it.

" you remember anything else?" the younger alpha glared at his brother.

Samael shakes his head with a smirk on his face, which he was hiding from his twin.

"Good" the twins walk in silence listening to the sounds of Crickets and Katydids.

An emotion stirred inside Blake remembering the early days of meeting Easton. Like how he ran into the woods after feeling dejected. And like how they made up somewhere just like here, between the woods and into each other's arms. The mood going down.

"I-If you let me out from here and I-I will consider giving you a doctor position at our pack. Then you can use a-as many syringes as p-possible"

The words start playing out of nowhere.

"I-Imagine, an awesome career with a good salary. You, you will be so popular"

Blake's eyes pop out of his sockets hearing his voice playing in the middle of the woods like a piece of background music.

"A-and people will die to m-marry you"


he yells, his nerves beating popping in his head and face red with embarrassment.

Samael throws his head back and laughs his lunges out as he runs in a circular path with his twin chasing after him, for his blood.


The warning doesn't affect the warlock as he continues to run to save his life.



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