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Wolf High uniform

Wolf High, a school in the middle of nowhere in California. Surrounded by tall trees, stood a very fascinated building. With ancient architecture and high ceilings, the building was painted in all cream and grey. The kids from nearby packs studied here and it was strictly, "werewolves".

From staff to janitors were all a part of some or the other pack nearby. The council thought it would be fun to put all of them together for the unity of the kind. But, if you leave people with the same mentality and ego together it would result in only one thing.


Like one going on right here. "Get your fucking hand off my girlfriend, Zander"  Jaxon, a boy in the seventeenth year of his life, growled latching Zander's hand off his girlfriend. Zander growled back going for the collar of Jaxon. The crowd started forming watching two future betas of well-known packs growl at each other. It was now a daily instance but you can't afford to miss a free movie with two hot main leads now, can you?

"You... don't get to touch me" Zander growled louder feeling his jaw ticking in anger. His hand tightens around Jaxon's collar. Zander could feel his eyes glow as his wolf crawls to fight off the other beta wolf. Jaxon's girlfriend stood there stoic, biting her nails but more like enjoying the show just like any other person on the ground. Jaxon latches onto Zander's hand over his collar and throws it away with force. 

"And you.... don't get to come near me" Jaxon bit his tongue harshly. He gulps down his nerves and glares at his enemy. "Do not touch what's mine again, Zander" he exclaims in a calm and low voice. "or else......"

"Or else what, asswipe?" Zander raised his brow and folded his arms to the chest. In a flash of light, Jaxon had Zander pinned to the iron fence by his shirt. 

"Or else....."

"Woah, Woah, Woah" a voice disrupted the pair from a distance which made silence take over the murmurs of the students. "Excuse me, side, please. Excuse me" the person clears up the crowd and walks to the fighting pair. "You guys fighting?" he questions casually with a coke in one hand and a sandwich in the other. His uniform sleeves were rolled up to his forearm while the upper button of his shirt was open.

His disheveled black curly hair was messed up. As his brown eyes showed the same mischief. He takes a bite off his chicken sandwich and looks at the pair who were still frozen in the position. Zander had his head, rest back on the fence tiredly waiting for a punch, while Jaxon looked confused about whether to hit Zander first or answer the boy that just arrived. "Again?" his voice sounded muffled with a stuffed mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Blake. Disgusting" Jaxon complained which Blake replies with a grin. "Shut your fucking mouth, Goddess" Jaxon remarks at Blake's toothy grin. Zander growls loudly at the disrespect shown towards his alpha. Jaxon caught off guard, flinches and moves over releasing Zander from his grasp. 

"It's okay, Zander" Blake smiles towards his best friend with a wink. Zander smirks and shrugs off the dust from his uniform. "So what were you fighting about?" Blake asks casually taking a sip of his drink. The crowd slowly starts disappearing leaving a few desperate mateless girls including Jaxon's girlfriend to gawk over the trio of hot boys.  

"Your fucking beta tried to sleep with my girlfriend" Jaxon yells putting his arm over his girlfriend's waist and pulling her towards him. Blake nods finishing up the rest of the sandwich and slipping off the paper on the ground. He tries to understand the "girlfriend" thing Jaxon was talking about. 'Cause, it wasn't his beta's habit to get into bed with girls, it was his. 


"Oh, that's your girlfriend?" Blake points to the girl right next to Jaxon. His brows pull together looking at the girl. He definitely has seen the girl before. But where? Jaxon nods his head in a "yes". Blakes jugs down the rest of the coke and crushes the tin in his hand spilling out the remaining liquid on the ground.

He eyes the girl from head to toe and couldn't bring himself to remember her. "Anyways, I'm pretty sure Zander's taste wouldn't fall this low," he remarks looking Jaxon in the eye and smiling giddily. "There something like ethics and "standards" in our pack" Jaxon let out a low whimper at the overpowering aura of the alpha in front of him. A growl escapes Zander making Blake look away. "Let's go"

Blake claps Zander on the shoulder and turns on his heels. They put two synchronized steps but all of a sudden stopped. Blake turns back while Zander follows his suit. "Now I remember...." he walks to the couple and stands right in front of the girl. " are the girl who unbuckled my pants in the janitor's closet last week, right?" an evil smirk breaks his lips while Jaxon looks at them wide-eyed. 

The girl starts shaking at the tension around her, with a very angry beta on one hand and the usual dominating alpha scent "Let me tell you girl, the head you gave me that day.." he closes his eyes feeling the nostalgia as his body shivers "...sucked. You need techniques" 

"What?" Jaxon yells as the alpha-beta walks out of the ground in peace, after creating the next whole week's gossip. 


"Why do keep getting involved with that dickhead, Zander?" Blake asks eating his lunch at the table in the cafeteria. The cafeteria of the school served very wolf-friendly meals daily with lots of meat and proteins. The pair sat at their usual table with the other members of their pack. The cafeteria was a big area filled with always hungry werewolves having their meat like they won't get any food for the rest of the year.

"It's him that gets involves with me, not me" Zander exclaims and stuffs a large piece of meat in his mouth. 

"Like always" Blake shakes his head. The only thing he doesn't want to face after the coronation is, "disputes". Jaxon was the future beta of the pack at the out coast of California. And as of now Blake's father, the current alpha of Black Wood pack and Jaxon's current alpha have really good relations and he would do anything in his hand to maintain the same relations even after they take over the packs. 

The doors of the cafeteria open at once and the second most terrifying alpha after Blake walks past the door towards the serving area. "Ezra..." the name slips out of Blake's mouth as he matches his sight with every move of the other alpha. "he literally gets on my nerves" he mumbles taking a sip of his water. Zander follows Blake's gaze and finds Ezra getting seated at an isolated table at the back of the cafeteria. 

The terrifying thing about him was that he was silent most of the time. And that silence was very intimidating for anyone to approach him.

"But he doesn't do anything" Zander frowns at Blake for blaming the person for eating his lunch in silence. 

"Exactly! He doesn't do anything. How can an alpha behave like he doesn't even exist? He is so annoying. He is supposed to communicate with his pack, talk, smile, make a group, and behave like the alpha he is. It's frustrating watching him" Blake explains his point of view.

It was not the first time he has observed Ezra, it was always the same. Whenever he crossed paths with the other alpha he would let out the same thoughts again and again.

"His brother is the alpha of the pack, so it's okay to be laid back" Zander defends the silent creature making Blake laugh a little. Of course, Zander had no idea of Easton stepping down this Saturday and Ezra taking up the position.

"His brother couldn't continue being the alpha with no mate to his side. It's useless anyway. I heard they have tried finding his mate in every single woman in the last three years. Still, no use" Blake shrugs. 

"His mate could be a man, Blake." Zander comments making the alpha with a look that said, "are you stupid?"

"They are supposed to have off-springs for the pack, Zander. Of course, he needs a woman" Blake declares finalizing the conversation.

Of course, gay mates were common nowadays. There have been hundreds of cases recorded across the states but an alpha with a male mate was not possible. 







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