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The whips of smoke cover the entire house, followed by groans as the pack members escorted the injured people to the pack hospital. The Knights family was scrambled all over the place helping anyone and everyone in the room.

Both the betas were on their toes, managing the whole situation on their own. While there was no clue where the alphas were. Austin was in charge of settling in every pack member and of course the guests that came in the form of warlocks.

On the other hand, Tib had anxiousness spread over his face, not a single warlock was killed but there were severe injuries to a few. And he knew what he got himself into now.

"Have you seen Easton?" Arora enquires Duncan while helping everyone in.

"No..." the beta replies in a hurry and quietly. He was not able to spot his alphas since the incident and that only brought him fear. If the news got spread across the pack, it would only get them trouble and panic.

Aurora runs her nose across the house and finds a fading trace of the alphas. "Blake isn't here either" she comments.

"Well, there won't be a problem as long as they are together, I guess" Austin jumps into the conversation.

"Or the opposite" Ezra comments managing an injured warlock.

"Yay!!! Best birthday ever!" Elias lets out sarcastically.

*sigh in unison*


"Why is it so dark?"


"Am I getting kidnapped again?"


"Where is my stupid mate?"

"Easton? You asshole Knight!"


"Damn..... We have been kidnapped again!" Blake comments again through the link towards Kai. Kai groans tiredly at the excitement in his human's voice. The insanity of Blake was raising levels, to be honest.

Don't think of doing something which you shouldn't.

"I never do anything unusual though"


"But why is it so dark here? I can't see anything"

It's because we are being blindfolded, Blake.


Kai rather remains calm when his other half act so dumb. His vision was very sharp owing to his alpha genes but even that doesn't give him any ability to see through the block. Plus he can feel a cloth over his nose and eyes which made it obvious that they were blindfolded.

Then again, Kai was the one who could feel it, Blake was too busy drawing some sketches in his mind.

I can sense Aziel. He is not so far.

"Now you mention it, I can feel Easton too"

About time.

"Shut up, Kai"

The younger alpha squirms in his place to notice that his hands were tied and so were his legs. "Wow... This is some top-notch kidnapping" he chuckles.

Kai internally rolls his eyes at the dumb behavior of the alpha. "He could never get serious" the wolf sighs. 

His body goes halt when it touches something to his right. Sparks erupt through, making it sure that the "something" was his mate. "Easton?" the younger alpha alerts at the touch, getting all worried about his mate.

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