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****If things like Mpreg makes you uncomfortable then please do not read further****

"What?!?" the younger alpha gets up from the chair slamming it back on the ground, which lands with a very loud thud. It's been a month since the alpha couple returned from Christian's land.

The younger alpha did not ever think that he would lose someone so close to him like that. He was shaken up by the incident and so was Christopher. It was really hard bringing Blake out of his trauma.

And now that they did, he was greeted by mind-blasting news ever. "Haha... Nice try, Ezra but the birds aren't swimming yet"

"But few birds do swim, Blake" the older alpha adds with sarcasm yet he had the same confusion lazing his mind.

"Shut up, Easton" the younger alpha gives him away. He sits back on the chair with Easton landing on the armrest of his chair.

With Blake being all pre-occupied with his bad memories and Samael's health, Easton too did not pay attention to anything apart from his mate. Which also included his family.

And now with Ezra and Duncan sitting in their suite, beta being all nervous and fidgeting, the young alpha was dropping a slow bomb on them.

"It's not even April fools yet, Ezra. Stop it, and it's not funny" the younger alpha laughs it off. The young alpha sighs out loud and lifts his loose shirt showing his small yet round tummy.

"He's right" the older alpha nods sophisticatedly.

"HOLY-" Easton shuts his mate's mouth along with his, upon looking at the tummy. They both exchange looks and then stare back dumbfounded at the round belly.

Duncan jumps in covering his mate's body. "Enough," he says.

"H-How?" the younger alpha questions, with a "question mark" drawn on his face.

"Remember when I told you I had some bad food poisoning? It was this" he gestures towards his tummy. "I told Duncan right when he got back but you guys were already very stressed so....."

"I am so sorry" Blake goes to his friend for a hug. He gets on his knees, holds the alpha's hands, and smiles. "But that still doesn't explain HOW THE FUCK DID IT HAPPEN?!?" he whispers yells not to scare the baby but feeling guilty that he just used a bad word.

"Isn't it obvious, Blake? This man here fu- mmmhhh" Duncan closes his mate's mouth looking at the glaring eyes of the older alpha. He gulps loudly and avoids his eyes.

"He knows that, Ezra" the beta speaks with closed teeth. "You no need to explain the process. He wants to know how is this possible" he clarifies it to his mate.

"Oh," the young alpha eyes bulge with a signal that he understood and it was now safe for the beta to remove his hand. Duncan removes his hand and looks anywhere more interesting than his alpha.

"So, when the doctor came to the house with reports it also had pregnancy reports attached which he did the test just in case. And it turned out to be positive" Ezra says.

"Apparently when two males mate in our species, the one on the receiving end will have his body changed a bit after a few mating for conceiving.

It don't usually happen with all the male pairs but a few" he concludes.

Blake was silent all through the talk with his eyes falling out, on the ground. He bit his lips and then looked at his tummy and then back at the older alpha who had terror written on his face.

"HOLY-" he slaps a hand over his mouth to stop himself from cursing. "Does that mean I-"

"Uh-huh. There is a possibility that you are already.... you know " Blake gasps remembering the unsightly activities they did last night.

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