The Hogwarts Express

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The twins, Ginny, Harry and I finally made it to the Kings Cross train station and we where walking to platform 9 3/4 with are luggage in hand.

Once we make it the I see Ron standing with a girl with reddish brown puffy hair, then I see Harry run up to them and give them a hug he then turns toward where me Ginny and the twins are standing and he says "this is y/n Reyes she is new here and is going into the 6th year with Ginny".

Ginny and I are the same age and Ron and Harry are one year older, and the twins are a year older then them.

I smiled we walked over to Harry, Ron and the girl she extended her hand out to me, "I am Hermione Granger it is very nice to meet you" she said while we shock hands, "it is very nice to meet you to" I said shaking her hand.

We all ran throw the passage way of the wall of platform 9 3/4, once I stepped through I felt like I was where I belonged, I know I wasn't at Hogwarts yet but it felt like I was on my way home.

Ginny and I walk on the train together with are arms linked together making our way through the train trying to find a compartment that was empty.

We were almost at the back of the train because, all of the other compartments were full when out of nowhere, a tall handsome platinum blond hair boy with grayish blues eyes pushed his way right through us making are arms separate and pushing us into the narrow hallway walls.

"out of my way mudbloods" he scoffed, I was about to say something probably even throw hands at him but, Ginny grab me and pulled me in to a compartment.

"what's his problem" I said annoyed at what just happened, "that Draco Malfoy, the school bully you don't want to fight back with him" she warned me.

"and why not?" I asked still annoyed, "because just don't, trust me on this he's not to be messed with" she sounded scared so I decided to drop the topic and move on.

Ginny and I have been sitting on the train talking for hours about her summer and my summer, during the summer my parents put me in a spy training camp and the best on out there to if I may add, this is where my parents learned most of what they know.

I was talking to Ginny about it because she's is the only one I can trust with this kind of information "oh, and Ginny make sure nobody knows about the things I have been telling you" I told her, "oh, don't even worry about that y/n, I will never tell a sole, I would never want you to be a target because of you past" she told me, I smiled at her and give her a hug from across the table since we were both sitting in the window seats.

We heard a bang at the door *BANG*

"what the bloody hell was that?" Ginny questioned as she got up and open the door and to our surprise we saw Harry standing there "may I sit here?" Harry asked, "sure Harry" Ginny said relieved.

Ginny sat beside me and Harry sat right across from me taking Ginny's old seat, he then just stared at me.

"Do I have something on my face" I said wondering why he also ways look at me so weird, "oh, no sorry I.... I just can't shake the feeling that I know you" he said.

"Well sorry Harry but I have never even heard or seen you until today" I told him, "yeah, I know I.... I just.... Nevermind" Harry said and like he actually really thought he known me from somewhere but that is crazy right I don't know Harry Potter, I have never even heard about him until today, I mean I think I would remember I guy like Harry right.

It now been a few more hours of Harry talking about his life and the things that happened to him and talking about his friends and his enemies and to my surprise, but not really he says the name "and Draco Malfoy he is my biggest enemy right now" he said I cut him before he could say anything else.

The Hogwarts Rivals (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now