Back To Hogwarts?

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We all waited by the dead fire waiting for a boat to appear at the dock. About three hours of waiting and a boat finally showed up.

"Hello students, get on" a professor said, and so we did we all go on the boat and away we went.

I whispered to Harry who was sitting beside me and said, "Harry? Have you ever seen this professor before?" "Now that I think about it no, I cant say I have" he responded, "somthing feels off, Harry I got a bad feeling about this" I told him.

"Harry, do you still have the taser?" I asked him, "yes, why?" He asked, "just hand it to me without anyone seeing it" I whispered and stuck my hand behind his back, and he passed me the taser.

I put the taser in the back of my pants and cover it with my shirt so no one could see it. I waited for awhile to see if I saw Hogwarts, it's was about two hours of us on the boat until I really felt like something bad was happening, so I took my chance.

"Sir, may I ask who you are I have never seen you before?" I asked the man, and I noticed Malfoy give me then the man a worried look.

"Oh, deer I am new to the school" he said, "but, every new professor comes only at the beginning of the year and their name always gets announced" I told him, "well, I guess I am different form the rest" he said.

I slowly stood up out of my seat and made my way towards the man driving the boat, I reached my hand around my back, when I felt another hand grab mine and yank it away from my back.

"Dam it, Tommy she knows" Malfoy said to the boat driver, "what the bloody hell is going on" Harrys said and I looked over to the driver who then shoot all my friends with what looked to be tranquilizer darts.

He was about to shoot me with one when Malfoy stoped him, "wait not her" he said, "yes sir" the boat driver said and turned back around.

"What are you doing Malfoy" I asked will trying to pull out of his grip, "oh, me just pulling off my master plan" he laughed, "which is?" I asked, "sorry princess can't say" he responded.

I looked back at the boat driver and realized he was the same man that Malfoy knocked out in that open field.

"I recognize that man" I said and then continued, "he is the one you knocked out in that field" I said, "bingo" the boat driver said, "shut up Tommy" Malfoy barked.

"What's why you wanted to come into the forest with me, isn't it you wanted to kidnap us all" I said, "you are always the smart one but, not all true" he said, "care to unlighted me" I said.

"Well, where to start" said and then paused, "I told Pansy to start a fight with you, I hopes that by the end of it Dumbledore would sent us all to his secret island, where only I know about it and sent some men here." He said, "you planed the whole thing" I asked.

"Well, yes" he responded, "I bet you even put a charm on those tents too" I said, "of course I did" he said, "you slimey git!" I yelled, "anyways back to my story" he said before coming.

"I know you would beat up Pansy so bad that she would get left behind, so she can send over the boat and keep Dumbledore from being suspicious" he told me.

"So, where are you taking us them" I asked, "now that is secret" he said and nodded his head at the boat driver, the boat driver reached for his tranquilizer darts and went to shoot me, but I ducked and he hit Draco instead.

That caused Draco to let me go and I whipped out the taser and tazed the boat driver, and then I turned to Theo and Blaise who were just watching the whole thing happen, I grabbed the tranquilizer darts and shot them both with them, I didn't want to risk anything.

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