The First Day

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After Ginny and I finished celebrating, I walked back over to the door to grab my thing and put them away. I opened the wardrobe and see robes in my size with the Gryffindor colours and again I was in aw, everything was so magical and perfect but, one thing kept playing in the back of my mind, Malfoy saying he is going to find out my secret, and a secret I didn't even know myself, I knew I had to find out before he did.

"Y/n, earth to y/n are you okay look like something is bothering you" Ginny asked trying to get my attention.

"Ginny you always can read me can't you" I said snapping out of my thoughts, "what can I say I am good at it now, get ready for bed and then you can tell me all about it" she said I nodded and took out some red and green plaid pajama pants and a big oversize plan black t shirt, and walked over to the bathroom, got changed, washed my face and brush my teeth.

I walk over to my bed and flopped into it I hear Ginny laugh "had a long day?" She asked, "Ahh I can't even, and we didn't even have any classes yet" I said tired, "so y/n tell me what is in your mind" she asked.

I knew I could trust Ginny with anything so I told her, "its about what the hat said, that I am not who I think I am, and Malfoy interrogating me about it like I don't even know the answer" I said and then continued,
"Also on the train how Harry kept saying he knows me, it's just all so confusing like what if they are both connected" I finished, she look at me in shock like she didn't think I was going to say that much.

"Well, we can talk to Harry about it tomorrow maybe he can help us find out the secret because if anyone knows he dose" Ginny told me, "okay" I said catching my breath, "now let's get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow" she said, "alright goodnight Ginny" "goodnight y/n".

The next morning, "Wake up y/n!" I heard as a pillow was smacking the back of my head. I turn around to lay on my back and said "alright, okay just stop hitting me please" "okay y/n just hurry up I don't want to be late for breakfast" Ginny said.

I got up out of bed walk over to my wardrobe grabbed my school uniform and when into the bathroom to get changed, I walked into the bathroom got changed brushed my teeth and put my hair into a high ponytail, with a few baby hairs stick out at the front of my face.

I walked out of the bathroom and Ginny grabbed my arm and pulled me into the common room to meet up with Hermione, Harry and Ron. We all walked to the great hall together for breakfast.

We make it to are spot at the table and start to get a the delicious food, I grabbed so much food they all must of thought I have never aten before in my life, and well I have never had this much good food before, because at home I would always just snack of make my own food because, my parents were always at work.

"Slow down y/n the food is not going anywhere" Ron said, "Ron you saying this must mean I am really eating fast because you are the fastest eater I know" I laughed and we all broke out into laughter.

"Hey Harry, y/n and I have something to ask you" Ginny said which made me remember what had happened yesterday.

"well alright what is it" he asked with a worried look on his face, "well Harry can you tell me when you mean, when yesterday you were saying you know me from somewhere?" I asked him.

"oh, ummm... Well I really don't know I just feel like I known you my whole life.... I don't know it's just a feeling I could mean nothing" Harry said, "what if, what the sorting hat said to me and what you are feeling are related?" I asked.

"how so?" he asked, "well I don't know do you think there is a way we can find out?" I questioned then Hermione said, "I can do some research on what, you guys are saying if you would like" she requested, "I would love that thank you Hermione" I said with the feeling like I might actually get an answer.

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