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He just stood there smirking at me as layed on him bed plotting what to do next, I was in such a deep thought thinks about what that bloody hell am I going to do to get me out of this situation that, I didn't even notice that he we moving closer to me and when I finally realized what I had to do Draco was over top of me holding me down by my shoulders.

"What you going to do Reyes?" He asked me seeing my focused face, "I'm going to give to one minute to let me go" I told him with a smirk now on my face, "funny you think I'll let you go just because you asked" he said as the smirk faded from his face.

"Well if you don't somthing very painful will happen" I told him, "the only person who will be in pain is you" he responded, "oh, I don't think so" I said, "you don't know me Malfoy" I added, "and you don't know me or that things I am capable of" he said, "I know you better then you think Malfoy" I said, "how so?" He asked, "because, you and I" I said and paused to finally admit it, "we are the same" I told him.

"The same, ha, me be like a filthy half blood like you" he scoffed, "you have ten seconds left and you really see how the same we are" I said in a low meaningful tone.

"You think you scare me?" He asked, "ten" I said, "your really going to count how pathetic" he scoffed, "why do you hate me so much Malfoy?" I asked, "that's my business" he replied, "eight" I said, "what could I have possibly do to you?" I asked, "more then you could have ever imagine" he hissed, I looked into his eyes and all I could see was pure anger none of the passion and love that I had once seen, kind of broke my heart a bit seeing him in so much anger and in how much pain he is about to be in about six seconds, but giving the pain myself well that will be kind of fun for me after all he did, you could call this an outlet.

"Five" I said, "I'm not moving" he said stubborn, "four" I went on, "three" I continued, "what could a little girl like you do to me?" He said, "two" I said, "one" I finished, Draco smirked now that I have hit the final number and I haven't moved but, what he has coming for him he's going to hate me more then ever.

"Your just talk Reyes" he smirked with a slight chuckle, "like you" is all I said and I wrapped my legs around Draco's torsos and pushed his hands off my shoulders and flipped him around so I was now on top and had the advantage, "not so much talk now am I" I said and while he was still in shock to do anything I punched him right in the nose and blood came spilling out of his nose, down his cheek and on to the bed sheets.

Draco took his hand and whipped the blood from his nose which didn't really help because it kept pouring out, "you shouldn't of done that" he hissed, I took that as a sign that he was now out of his shock and was ready to fight back, so I quickly rolled off him and on to the floor, I got up but he grabbed my ankle causing me to fall back to the ground, I stuck my hands out to block me from getting any hurt.

"Where you you think your going" he snapped, I didn't answer just tried to get back up but he stepped on my back pushing me back to the ground, with that he bend down to get a better look at my face, "where you going to run to, Mattheo you little boyfriend" he hissed, "what?! He's not my boyfriend" I hissed back, "mind as well be the way he looks at you" he scoffed, "someone sounds a little jealous" I said, "me or that ew no" he scoffed, "you know what that has given me an idea" he said and took his foot off my back.

He started to walk towards the door I instantly know what he was about to go and do, "not again!" I shouted and got up off the ground as fast as I could and jumped right onto Draco's back and wrapped my hands around his neck, which I haven't done this move in a while so it felt good, "let.. go" he said trying to keep his breath, as he slowly dropped to one knee.

"Leave both the Riddle's alone" I said as a let go and regrabed him with my legs to get a better advantage, "why do.. you.. care... so.. much about... them?" He asked as I could slowly feely him slipping away, "that's my business" I said repeating the words he just told me.

And then Draco was not unconscious he went completely limp and I let go, I stood up off the ground walked around him so I could see his face, "why Malfoy why?" I asked and went to go and walk out the door but I felt a cold hand wrap around my leg and I was then pulled to the ground.

"What are you?" He asked, the very think I need him to never know he just asked, "you tricked me" I said trying to get back on to my feet but he wouldn't let go of me, "answer me!" He shouted, "never!" I shouted back o expected him to get up and do something or yell somthing back at me but all he did was get up and start to walk for the door, "where are you going?" I asked, "to kill the Riddle" he muttered under gritted teeth and slammed the door shut leaving me and heading for who I could only guess to be Mattheo.

"This can't be happening again" I said and got up off the floor as fast as I could jumped onto Draco's bed and pushed myself up in to the vent and crawled back as fast as I could back to Mattheo waiting on the other side, I went so fast I was banging my knees and elbows along the sides of the vent I swear I heard someone say, "there must be on big rat in the vent".

I saw the light in the other side I slipped through the entrance into Ginny's room and pushed myself through the whole and fell onto the bed.

"So how'd it go?" Mattheo asked, "how do you think" I said standing up off the bed, "are we going to get Ginny and Tom" he asked, "there alot safer away from us" I said and grabbed his wrist and started to pull his towards the door, "where are we going?" He asked, "away from here" I said but he yanked his wrist out for my grasp, "y/n tell me what's going on" he ordered.

"Long story short Draco thinks we are dating, I told him we're not but he didn't believe me and well more things happened but now he is coming to kill you" I told him very quickly and in on breath.

"So we need to leave now" I said and opened the door and Mattheo followed behind, "ahhh, Slytherin in the common room!" A young Gryffindor girl shouted, "he's here" Mattheo said, "yap" I responded and started looking around for a way out.

"What do we do now?" Mattheo asked, "the window" I said and started to make my way towards, "it only a two story drop will live" I told him, "let me go alone, if he catches you with me he'll kill you two" Mattheo said pulling me away from the window, "Mattheo he's going to kill me either way" I told him, "how do you know, he'd loved you before" he said, "not anymore I've seen it in his eyes pure hatred" I said and a single tear slipped out as I said the last word but I quickly whipped it away before Mattheo could notice.

"Now let's go" I said and pushed him towards the window and he jumped out, I then stared to climb out the window when Ginny's dorm room door bursted open, "there you are!" Hissed Draco as he run to try and grabbed me out of the window but by the time he made it there I already have jumped.

"I'll kill you both!" He yelled out the window looking down at us safely on the ground, "it's happening again isn't it?" Mattheo asked, "no" I responded, "no?" He asked confused, "it all happened last time because, everyone thought I was the Gryffindor princess and he also caught Harry and now it's different Hogwarts will still go on even if this happens" I explained, "how you so sure?" Mattheo asked, "I just have a good feeling about this time around" I told him, "I hope your right" he said and we then started to run.

A/n; that's the end of this chapter, sorry it kind of short again. Let me know if there is something you'd like to see happen in this story, I am open you any suggestions, I kind of have an idea of what going to happen next but, I wanted to know if there was anything y'all would like to happen, or just let me know if you like the way things are going. (1618 words).

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