Dream Come True

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I can't believe I am really here I have been waiting for a really long time to be here but, now that I am here is am very nervous like I haven't even stepped foot into the school and I all ready have an enemy a rival even like, what did I do to him for him to hate me so much but oh well I am not going to let a bully like Malfoy ruin my, dream come true.

The carriage stops moving and I am now looking upon the most beautiful castle I have ever seen, and I have been I many.

"Beautiful isn't y/n" Hermione said "it's the most beautiful castle I have ever seen and trust me I have been in many" I said with a little chuckle.

We all walked in to the castle and we where greeted by a old looking man with a long white beard, "this must be Dumbledore" I thought to myself.

"hello everyone" he greeted us, "hello" the trio and Ginny said in unison, Dumbledore then looked down at me, "miss Reyes my I please speak to you" he said I was very nervous now my anxiety was now going off the charts but I was not going to show anyone that so, nodded and walked off with Dumbledore.

We made it to a space in the castle which I think is his office. He gestured his hand for me to have a set and so I did, "may I ask why you need me to come to you office sur" I asked, "yes miss Reyes I have ask you here because, I know you came here with out your parents knowledge" he said.

my heart stoped when he said those words, I looked at him with fear in my eyes, "oh don't worry miss Reyes I am not going to send you home I was just wanting to tell you that I informed your parents that you are here, and" he said and took a pause, "I convened them to let you stay because, I think you can do great things here." He said and I have never felt so relieved in my life.

I smiled at him and said "thank you so much professor, I have wanted to be here my whole life" I told him, he then smiled and said "there is one more thing I need to tell you" he said.

"which is?" I asked wondering what he was going to say, "I have seen your excellent grades and how you are in head of all of your class and I would like to move you up with the 7th years" he told me.

I smiled and said "I would love that, that thank you so much" I was actually really happy with that news because, now I will be in classes with golden trio that's what they called themselves, I thought it was funny.

With be what is said, Dumbledore let me leave his office and I headed back down to The Great Hall to be sorted.

I opened the big heavy door and all the sudden all eyes were on me, that made me feel nervous, but I wasn't going to show anyone that because, then they will think I am weak and I am far from weak.

So I stand up tall and with my head held high I heard a woman say my name, "miss y/n Reyes" I started to walk up to her and I look at all the tables, I see the colours yellow, blue, red and green, at the red table I see the trio and Ginny, I look at the green table and I see Malfoy sitting with the people that I seen him with in the compartment on the train.

I keep walking and I reached the woman holding an old looking hat, she singled her hand to invite me to sit down on a old looking wooden stool. I sit and look into the crowd I see the trio and Ginny smiling at me trying to comfort me from afar but, then I feel someone's eyes burning into my skull I look and my eyes are met by grayish blue ones. It was Draco staring at me with anger in his eyes, I look away not wanting to hold eye contact.

I feel the hat be placed on my head and it starts to talk "hmm.... Ahhhh I see you are not how you think you are" it said, I thought, "what? What is that supposed to mean" then the hat said, "don't worry child you will find out soon" "oh okay" I thought then, the hat continued.

"very brave..... Cunning as well..... You value friendship...... And have a thirst to prove you self, yes you would do well I both Gryffindor and Slytherin..... But what shall it be...." The hat thought

"Oh I would love to be in Gryffindor please" I said hoping that I had a choice, "oh are you sure you would do very well in Slytherin" the hat said, "I am sure" I said positive of my answer, "well all right then better be GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled out for all to hear.

I smiled and got off the stool and started to walk to the cheering table of Gryffindor's and I sat next to Ginny across from the trio.

"I know you would be Gryffindor!" Ginny said very happy, "gee thanks Ginny I am happy to be here" I said with a smile.

"What do you think when that hat ment when it said you aren't who you think you are" Harry questioned me, "I have no idea Harry but, it said I will find out soon so I guess we just have to wait" I answer and I then tried to change the subject.

"Dumbledore told me that I am being bumped up to the 7th year" I told them, "WHAT!" They all said in unison again, wow they must do that alot I thought.

"Yeah it's because I am in head of my study's and have very good grades" I told them, they all looked at me in aw, so I just look down at my food and waited for someone to say something else.

Ginny then side "dam I wish you didn't get moved up I was excited to have classes together", "yeah that the only part that sucks about it, but don't worry we will have Quidditch together right." I said with hope in my voice. "Right we are going to crush those boys" she said with a determination, I smiled and nodded.

The feast was now over and we where heading back to the common room, to find out who everyone was roommates with, when we were walking I felt a cold hand grab my arm and pull me into a empty hallway.

I look to see who it was and I saw those grayish blue icey eyes again and I said "what do you want Malfoy" in a annoyed tone he then respond "so, what is your secret Reyes?" He asked.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Malfoy" I said trying to walk away but, he grabbed both of my shoulders and push me against the cold stone wall, so I couldn't leave "get you filthy hand off me!" I said in disgust.

"you can't leave until I say you can leave, now we all heard what that hat said so just tell me and I will let you go" he said, "your are not the boss of me Malfoy, and like I told you I have no idea what you at taking about" I said and push his hands off my shoulders just far enough that I can escape.

I made it out of is grasp and started to fast walk away not wanting to be around him anymore, then I heard "I will find out what you are hinding Reyes!" Those words eco in my head that only thing that I knew I was hiding is that my parents are spy's for the Ministry, but what is Malfoy find out a secret about me that I don't even know.

I am making my way down the hall to the common room and make my way in. I said the password that Ginny told me into the portrait and it open. I step throw and I am I aw.

"Wow", I said impressed, "I know right" I heard Hermione say from on the couch with a book in her hand, "I have always dreamed of what it would look like but this, this is one thousand times better" I said still in aw of what I am seeing, "well I am glad you like it because this, this is" "home" we both said at the same time.

We laughted and I ask Hermione "do you mind showing me where my dorm is?" "Of course it is right this way" she said and with that I followed her to the right and up the stairs "here it is, oh look I am right across the hall" she told me and pointed to her door.

I gave her a smile and said goodbye as I walked in the dorm to put my things away and I look up and see...Ginny.

"Ahhhhhh!" we both screamed from excitement, I dropped my stuff and we both run into eachother arms and gave eachother a tight hug it lasted for a few seconds before I broke the hug and said, "I guess I will get to share a room with someone in my actual year" "and thank god for that" Ginny said with relief.

Finally my dream come true, I am home Hogwarts, my home.

A/n; that is the end of this chapter. Let's see who find out y/n secret first and what drama will I cause. There will be more Draco eventually. Hope you enjoy reading this.(1668 words)

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