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We stayed hidden in the trees, like actually in the trees I told the boys we had to climb like I have done once before back on the island, they would eventually come knocking our way, actually.

"We can't stay up here forever darling" Draco said, "I know and I have a plan" I told them in a whispered tone, "you always do" Mattheo added, "Mattheo I need you as a distraction, call out to then and lead them to the electrical fence" I shared, "so I can get shocked and die, no way" he protested, "no you won't die Draco has the remote I know he doesn't leave with out it don't you?" I said and turned to look at Draco who has already pulled out the remote, "he'll turn it off just long enough for you to get over and then when Diggory's men go to follow they will get a shock and be knocked out for a couple hours, and Draco and I will get your wand and the others and send them your way" I said.

"You want me to leave you guys?" Mattheo asked, "yes" Draco said, "we'll all meet at my house, you know the one you broke into all those years ago" Draco told him, "yes okay" Mattheo agreed knowing what he must do, "stay out of sight making your way to my house, and keep the our family safe" Draco told him, "you've got it brother" Mattheo smiles as if he hasn't smiled in years, at this moment I know no matter what we've all been through or have done there is always forgive and move on in our family.

My family, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Tom Riddle and Mattheo Riddle, we all may be messed on the head and have done things even if we don't regret it but know they are bad, it has all lead us to eachother and I wouldn't want things any other way because, this was who we are and we all understand eachother and we all love eachother as if we were family because we are.

Mattheo jumped down from the tree, look back up to make sure we were ready for his escape we nodded and he started to yell, "hey! Hey! Over here I have my wand!" He yelled they started to book it for Mattheo, Mattheo smiled he was finally back, "over heeerrre! Can't catch me" he said as he ran and ran for the fence.

"He there Draco turn off the fence" I said, Draco clicked the off button and Mattheo started to climb, "can't catch me over here!" He taunted, "now Draco" I said and he flicked the switch on and all of Diggory's outside crew felt with I felt but worse the first time I was here I imagine Draco turned the voltage us since then.

"Okay let's go" I said, Draco and I jumped down from the tree, I then followed Draco because he was the one who know where Mattheo's wand is, we ran for a bit until Draco stopped infront of a baby tree with a skinny trunk and low hanging branches, easily over looked as an impossible hiding spot, as it is too small to fit but it is in fact perfect, Draco dragged his hand down it's trunk until he found the right notch and pressed it and put popped Mattheo's wand, a light brown handle that fades into black in the middle then back to brown at the tip where it is quite round where many others are pointed.

"Okay now let's get everyone else" Draco said, "let's" I said taking the wand from him and shoving it in my combat boot hiding the rest of the showing wand with my pant leg, Draco and I the kept low as we made it towards the Slytherin hide out, not wanting to be spotted through a window, "we should enter the same way we got out" I told him, as we approached the wall pressing our backs against it, "I'll lead the way" he said and we ran across the wall back to the hidden exit.

Draco did a secret knock type thing that only he know and the door popped open, we ran in shutting the door behind us. Now all we had to do was get our family out.

"I suspect that they have all been captured" I told him, "I hope not but if I was Diggory I would keep then in different rooms alone and weak" Draco said, "okay then let's start searching" I tell hin and we move into the hallway clearing every empty space we walk past, Draco stayed close to me not risking anyone grabbing me when he has his hand placed on my back the whole time.

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