Y/n On Lockdown

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"Tom do not take us back to Hogwarts" Draco ordered, "yes boss" he said and steered into the direction of the Slytherin hideout, "what is our next move?" Pansy asked looking at me and Draco, me who just looked out the window not wanting to know what's going to happen next and Draco who I could feel looking at me wanting this to all go away.

"When we land Blaise I need to speak with you in private" Draco said, Blaise nodded in response the rest of the ride was silent.

We finally landed at the place I fought so hard to stay away from but, also the only place I ever really truly felt like I belonged the place with my real family, my home... Yes bad things happened here but good things did as well and I choose to let the good over ride the bad.

Pansy grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the carriage Theo and Tom followed behind us as Draco and Blaise stayed in the carriage and spoke, "what do you suppose there talking about?" Theo asked, "my guess" Pansy said and took a pause, "y/n" I don't know why but hearing her say my name they was she did made my heart drop like I was now the problem we had to deal with on top of what we already have to deal with, like our Mattheo problem.

Blaise and Draco stepped out of the carriage we all watched as the two men changed there expressions as they saw use watching them, they almost looked sad in a way like that have to do something that will brake there hearts, that expression quickly change into a fake smile, "well let's not stand outside in the cold" Draco said as he pushed inbetween Theo and I and walking inside, "this can't be good" Pansy said as he all followed Draco inside.

"So what did you fella's talk about?" Theo asked as he jumped from the back of the couch in the main entrance living room landing in a sitting position, "we're not going to talk about that just yet" Blaise answered as we all joined Theo on the couches.

"Then what are we going to talk about?" Pansy asked, "the Mattheo problem in our basement" Draco said, "good because I have some ideas for that" I said in a excited tone trying to change the depressing atmosphere, "please share" Draco responding looking down at the floor, now that I think of it be hasn't look at me since him and Blaise stepped out of the carriage.

"Umm, well you know where you can to pick me up when Mattheo "caught" me, the Riddle's house they grew up in" I explained, "yes yes I remember what dose this have to do with anything?" Draco asked still not looking at me, "well we can banish him there for good then he will be nobody's problem" I said, "I think that's a brilliant idea considering how much Mattheo told me he never wanted to live another minute there ever again" Tom agreed, " it's settled then we will find a spell and banish Mattheo Riddle to his childhood home for good" Draco agreed and everyone nodded, Draco then quickly stood up and walked out of the room.

Pansy looked at me as we watched Draco speed out of the room, "do you want me to find out what's wrong?" She whispered to me making sure the boys who were celebrating this idea, didn't hear her, "no, it's okay I'll go" I said and started to run out of the room towards the direction Draco was running.

"Draco!" I shouted as I finally caught a glance of him, but lost him again as he turned another corner, I kept running trying to find him needing to know what was going on with him, "Draco please wait up!" I shouted in hopes he would hear me, and stop just for a second.

I have been running all over this mansion for the past hour and I haven't seen even a glimpse for Draco I finally stopped only when Pansy found me grabbing ahold of me making sure I don't leave, "y/n" she said in a concerned tone, I didn't respond, "y/n!" She shouted shaking me as she did so, "what" I said in a cracking voice almost crying.

"You need sleep" she said, "I'll sleep when I find him something's not right I can feel it" I said as I patted my heart, "I'll help you find him but in the morning he couldn't of gone far" she said, "Pansy I appreciate your concern but, even if I tried to sleep I wouldn't be able to anyway" I said and with the last word I said a single tear dropped out of my eye and down I cheek, I wiped it away and pulled out of Pansy's grasp and kept looking.

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