Two Doors

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After a while of walking and consent looking over the shoulder making sure no on was following us, plus my hands tingling with the burning, we finally made it, I asked Draco "why a wand healing spell wouldn't work" he told me "you need something real on something so big", "isn't magic real?" I asked, "yes you know this but it doesn't fix everything" he tells me.

"Where here" Draco said, I know where here I used to sleep across the hall from him, hints the two doors right across from eachother, "what are you waiting for?" I asked, "open the door" I said nodding my head to the door, "wait" he said and next time I know he pushing me against the wall keeping his hand placed on my stomach as he place his back on the wall as well, "what is it?" I whispered, "do you hear that?" He asked, I stayed quite holding my breath trying to listen to what he is hearing.


"Something in your room is running" I told him, "yes" he said worried, "so?" I asked, "so I have nothing in there that makes that noise" he said, "I don't even have anything that runs" he told me, "so what is it?" I asked, "it sounds like computers" he said, "like as in security servants?" I asked, "yes" he answered, "well theres no why, were doing to go in there not knowing what's on the other side" I said, "two doors" Draco said, "yeah theres my room what about it?" I asked, "you really think I'd built you a room and didn't have other ways to connect eachother other then door" he said.

I think back, this seems to familiar then it hit me back in Hogwarts we had a air vent that joined our two rooms all the way across the castle, of course Draco Malfoy would recreate something like that here, "you made conjoined air vents" I said, "you bet I did and it's saving our behinds today isn't it" he smirks, "I don't even want to know the purpose of you doing that but yeah, thank Merlin you did" I said.

We then tip toed across the hall and very gently Draco opened the door, Draco then side in and switched on the light I waited in the hall, only when he clear the room quickly he can and got me, I slowly pushed the door closed using my butt, being careful not to make too much noise if there was anyone across the hall from us.

"So where did you put this vent?" I asked, "because I've searched this room before and have never seen a vent" I said, "that because I put a spell on it" Draco said and took out his wand, pointing it at the roof and giving it a little wave then poof there it is, right above my bed.

"Have you ever been in here?" I asked him looking at the vent, he just smiled, "I know you know your way around a vent" he said, "exactly one that lands your right on my bed" he smirked, "ha ha very funny, you you say this one leads the same?" I asked, "but it's a straight line" he added, "okay pop open that thing and I'll have a look" I told him.

"But you hands" he said grabbing my wrists, "I don't need them to crawl" I told him, "only getting in and out of the vent and you can help me with that" I said, "okay fine but I'm following behind, I want to see for myself who set up shop in my room" he said sounding a bit mad but not at me but at the fact his room was occupied for something other then him.

Draco stood on my bed, wedging his fingers inbetween the vent cover gaps and pulling it off with force, "it come off easier on my side" he said setting down the vent cover on the bed side table, "I bet it is" I laughed then got up on the bed with him, we both looked up into the vent then back to eachother, "will we ever just get a normal life, it's almost your birthday y/n" Draco told me, "I know I can't believe I'll be 18" I said, "yeah I've been here a while it's not too bad" he said sliding his arm around my waist, "we've know eachother for over a year now" he said.

He pulled me closer to him, "I feel like I've know you forever y/n" he said, "I feel the same" I said leaning into his holed, "I want to know you for the rest of my life" he said, "and I want you to be mine forever, only mine officially" he said, "what do you mean?" I asked looking up at his grey eyes that sparkled in the florent light, "I'm not saying now, and I have preparation to do but eventually y/n I'll make you officially mine, and no one can stop me" he said, "not Mattheo or the others, not Greengrass or Diggory not even your daft twat of a brother, no curse or spell can separate what we have" he told me leaning his head down, him lips almost on mine, "because that kind of love we have goes deeper then this" he said planting a kiss on my forehead, "we don't only think we love eachother but my and your heart will never beat for anyone else" he said, "Draco I may not have always known I love you but my sole and heart always lead me to you" I agreed, "no matter what we will always lead back to eachother" I said, "forever" Draco said, "forever" I copied, then he kissed me.

Draco then lifted me into the vent and I made some room for him to join behind me, "once we get close there is to be no talking" I told him, "got it" he smiled, he's happy just being around me, and doing things together I found makes him happy, I know that because I feel the same.

We head off to find what or who was in Draco's room, it wasn't long before we made it to the vent, I layed down on my stomach and motioned Draco to do the same, we layed down beside eachother shoulder to shoulder this vent wasn't really made for two people we peer between the cracks of the vent.

I could see Draco's bed made with green silk sheets and black pillows covered the top, but there was more to it then I remembered, there was laptops running in a semicircle around a person who sat in the middle of Draco's bed watching ever so closely on the screens, Draco never installed camera near his dorms he know he didn't need it so we know the cameras lost us on our way, doesn't mean the person watching the screens right now isn't looking for us ready to radio someone the moment we have been spotted.

I looked closer that the person seated on Draco's luxury bed, he has shaggy dark brown hair, I can see he is wearing a yellow jumper, probably with the Hufflepuff's logo on it and he has back slacks on, he's dressed to stay a while, but how is he?

Draco and I layed there just watching him, when we noticed on one of the laptop screens our friends, Theo have found Theo with Tom, Theo was trying to get his untied when some guards jumped Theo, but luckily Blaise and Pansy arrived just in time to bet up the Hufflepuff's, and all get away almost all unharmed, I wanted to breath a sigh of relief but knew I could not because the man below might here me, we then watched as they all ran away before more of the yellow could come after them, they be making there why here soon, right into his yellows trap, and we've have lead them here, right to him, I looked over at Draco and he had the same look as me.

The man was clearly annoyed by what he was just saw, he leaned backwards slamming the back of his head into Draco's soft pillows, then we knew exactly who it was camping out in Draco room.

Cedric Diggory.

A/n; that's the end of this chapter, hoped you enjoyed this one. (1414 words). <3

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