The Brake Of Hogwarts

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He waited of everyone to be seated, people kept walking in filling up the seats, Pansy walked into the room and went right towards me, "Reyes, you have never looked so good" she said, "thanks" I replied, she then left to sit in her spot at the table.

It took awhile before everyone was seated, when they all were I looked around at them all, I recognize pretty much all of the people from Slytherin but there was a few people I have never seen before.

Draco then started to talk, "I would like to thank everyone for joining me in here today" "what is she doing here!" Theo shouted, stood up and slammed the table, "since, you all are incapable of making sure she doesn't escape, I had to take matters into my own hands for now" he said and raised the hand that was attached to mine making my hand raise as well.

"Now sit down Nott" Draco ordered and Theo then sat down slowly, giving me the death stare, which I just gave him a fake smile, which made him even more mad.

"Any ways, I invited you all here to fill you in on what has happened at Hogwarts since are master plan" he said, "master plan, sureee" I mumbled, "what's that Reyes have somthing to share with the class" he said, in a annoyed tone.

I just rolled my eyes and looked down at my lap, "thought so" he said, "anyways, even since we had Potter deliver the message" he said before I cut him off, "message what massage?" I asked, "doesn't matter what massage" he said.

I got so annoyed I stood up and wrapped Draco's own arms around his throat, I moved behind him and grabbed his wrist that was cuffed and used the chain attached to the cuffs and pressed it against his throat.

Everyone stood up and pointed there guns at me, "shoot me, you shoot him" I said, "tell them to stand down Malfoy" I ordered, "stand down" he said and everyone put there guns down, "now give me the key" I whispered in his ear.

"No" he said, "no?" I said and tighten my grip, "give me the key Malfoy" I ordered, he reached for his pocket with his free hand and pulled out the key, I went to grab it out of his hand out he spun around out of my grip and out of his chair.

"I am not like my men Reyes, you can't get away that easy" he said and pulled me closer to him since we were still locked together, we were just inches apart, "you going to sit back down?" He asked, "no" I answered and he then pushed me into the chair and used his head to motion his men to bring his something.

Blaise then walked over with a rope and Draco took it out of his hand and tied it around my stomach and the back of the chair, "now you can't stand back up" he laughed and sat back down in his chair.

"Where was I?" He thought for a moment, "oh, yes what has happened to Hogwarts every house has split up and have there own houses off of the Hogwarts campus" he said, I dropped my head, now where was I supposed to go if I don't even know where the Gryffindor's went.

"All of the house rioted after what we did, and it broke up Hogwarts for good" he laughed and everyone cheered as laughed, "all of the leaders of the house's are meeting up to set boundaries" he said, "where and when?" Pansy asked she sound excited.

"In a couple days at a nightclub near hogsmeade" he said, "and I am bring Reyes as my plus one" he said with a mischievous smile.

"What! Why?" I asked, "I am bring you as another message, that's all you need to know" he said, "there is a few things that need to happen around here before we go to the meeting" he said and the continued, "you all need to step up your training because, I am only to assume that the other house's are as well and we need to be the top" he said.

"I am bring in some of my old friend, tomorrow to join us and help teach you all a few things" he said, "I am having a training course built, and it will be state of they art, you all will need to be able to complete it with ease" he said, "what, not fair" Pansy complained, "Pansy it has to be done" Draco said, "fine, Draco" she said and dropped her head down.

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