Fear Me

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"nobody come down no matter what!" Draco yelled, while I was wiggling around and swinging my limbs around trying to make him put me down but, be had a tight hold on me.

"Put me down you twat!" I yelled, he didn't say anything he just continued walking down the stairs, once we reached the bottom, Draco walked over to the wall which had a thick metal pole running down it.

He tossed me to the ground, unlocked his cuff and attached it to the pole, "what are you doing" I said trying to pull the cuff off the pole.

"I think it is time that you feared me Reyes" he said with a evil smirk on his face, "and how exactly are you expecting to do that" I scoffed.

He didn't answer he just kept walked back and forth in front of me, he looked like he was in a deep thought, "hello?" I yelled because, he didn't answer me.

He got mad about how I was talking to him so he grabbed a glass of the countertop of the kitchen area and smashed it right infront of me.

I didn't really flinch because, I watch him grabbed the glass, "dose any things scare you" he said frustrated, "not really and definitely not you" I laughed, "well, we are just going to have to change that aren't we" he said in a low tone.

"Good luck" I scoffed, he then walked over to me and knelt down to my level since I was sitting on the floor still in my dress.

He got close to my ear and whispered, "I will give you two options", "okay what are my options" I said sarcastically, "one you fear me" he whispered and got closer to my ear, "and the second one" I said.

He turned his head so that, he could see my reaction, "the second opinion, you love me" he said and then backed away from me.

I just looked at him and gave him a are you for real look, "now Reyes the second opinion will always be on the table even if you have to do the first option" he told me as he stood back up and walked over to a chair and sat in it.

"I am not choosing any" I scoffed and then stood up grabbed his chair and throw it across the room.

Now that made me jump a little I was not expecting that kind of reaction, he saw that I jumped and gave me a evil smile, "so you pick the first option" he said and walked back over towards me.

"I didn't say anything and I won't pick" I said, "doesn't matter darling, you have already decided" he said and pick up a large piece of glass off the ground.

"Malfoy! What are you doing" I said worried, because I didn't know what he was thinking, "so you do have fear" he laughed.

"Everyone dose, I don't fear you" I said still sounding worried, "your tone says different, it sound like to me that you are just a scarred little Slytherin princess" he said and move close to me with the glass still in his hand.

"I am not scarred and I am only a Slytherin because, you forced it upon me" I scoffed, "its only because that is what you were ment to be!" He yelled.

"Ment to be" I scoffed under my breath and rolled my eyes, he heard what I said and press the glass against my collarbone, I tried to move back as much as I could but it wasn't far since I was against the wall.

"Scared?" He asked, I looked him right in the eyes and said, "no" he then pressed the glass and a little bit of blood dropped out.

I tried to hind the pain to show him that I was not scared, so I looked away and squinted my eyes, "you can always choose the second option" he said removing the glass.

I looked at my collarbone and then at him, "no" is all I said, "you will change you mind if not now, eventually" he scoffed, "what make you think that?" I asked trying to take my mind off the pain in my collarbone.

The Hogwarts Rivals (Dracoxreader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя