Escape Alive

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I walked over to the vine that I tied to the tree and untied it, "you boys coming?" I asked, "obviously" Tom said and the two walked over to meet me at the vine, "but what the plan if we want to escape alive from Malfoy?" Mattheo asked, "well I am hoping he's going to do the same thing as last time" I answered, "and if he doesn't?" Tom asked, "well run for your lives because, after what happened last time when Malfoy saw us three getting along" I said.

"Yeah I remember all too well" Mattheo said rubbing the back of his head as if he could still feel the pain, "yeah let's not that happened again I don't like being helpless and watching my brother take a beating" Tom added, "that reminds me I was trying to keep Draco away from you two because I didn't want you two to go through that again" I told them, "thanks" Mattheo said, "now let's get going" Tom added.

The two boys grabbed ahold of the vine and we swung across to the other side, "now he's going to come out of the bushes" I whispered, "so what do we do?" Tom asked, "we follow the river line and take the long way home" I told them and we started to run down the river line hoping the Draco, Theo and Blaise didn't see us or even hear us.

We ran for awhile and we made it to the same spot that I ended up at when I had to drop into the water and swim my way away from Malfoy, "do you think this is far enough?" Mattheo asked, "definitely not" we heard a laugh from behind us followed three sets of foot prints, "he followed us!" Tom said half shocked and out of breath.

"Ofcoures we did you really think you can escape me that easy" Draco scoffed, I went to step forward to defend us but Mattheo grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him, "you can't start a fight with him or anyone for that matter" he whispered to me, "what, why?" I asked, "you don't want what happened last time to repeat do you, you can't let him think that there is anything different about you" he replied.

"Don't do what I think you are going to do" I said but he pushed me ever farther behind him and Tom, "you can't fight me Mattheo" Draco said, "no, but I sure can take on these two thick heads" Mattheo laughed, "I can take you Malfoy" Tom said stepping up to him, "is that so?" Draco chuckled, "yeah" Tom said and took a swing for Draco's face but, missed Draco caught his hand and using his momentum of the swing with one arm flipped Tom right over landing on his back, Mattheo on the other hand was actually holding off Blaise and Theo.

"Get up Tom!" I shouted and Tom went to stand but Draco kicked him in his stomach bring him back to the ground, "your cheering for him" Draco fumed pointing down at Tom, "yeah I am he's a better person then you will ever be" I argued backing up Tom, "well then I guess you didn't hear about all the bad things he has done to people" Draco said stepping on top of Tom and closer to me as I also took a step backwards.

"I have heard but, it was all your fault he got blamed" I said continuing to take steps backwards as he steps forwards, "what you don't understand is Tom was already a bad person before I even met him, I just gave him some guidance" Draco said.

"Y/n! Just run!" Mattheo shouted from the side lines as he continued to hold off the other two boys, "don't even think about it Reyes, your mine today remember" Draco said as he started to reach his hand out as if he was going to grab ahold of me, but Tom from behind grabbed ahold of Draco and body slamming him into the ground, "run Reyes I'll hold him off" Tom said as he tried to keep Draco on the ground.

"I don't want to leave you two" I argued, "don't worry about us will be fine now go" Mattheo reassured, "okay" I said and started to run towards the castle.

I ran through the trees and out back in to the courtyard and over to where Harry and Ron where once knocked out, I stopped there for a moment to catch my breath, "Reyes!" Draco yelled from behind me, I looked around to see where he was and he was just coming out of the trees, he had blood on his knuckles I was assuming it was mostly Tom's.

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