The Big Day

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He pulled me out of the room and dragged me into the hall, my side was still burning, I could remember the pain I felt when the metal was on my ribs, I could feel the letters, D.M burning on my said.

"What no bag" I said to him as he dragged me down the hallway with the Riddle's following close behind, "no, need anymore" he said, "and what is that supposed to mean" I said, "well, now that you know what could and would happen to you, I just don't think I will matter" he said with a smirk.

I was looking around the hallways as we walked down, every turn we took the walks looked the same, it had a very Slytherin aesthetic, emerald green with silver and black accents.

"Where are we going?" I asked, "you'll see when we get there" Draco said, and before I knew it he pulled me into a room.

This room had a big heavy, dark oak almost black table, with dark green chairs that had silver legs and arms.

He pulled me in the room and sat me down in a chair, "Mattheo tie her to the chair so she doesn't get any ideas" Draco said and Mattheo then grabbed some rope and tied my thighs down to the seat of the chair.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, "eating of course" Tom said and then in walked a bunch of people holding silver trays full of food.

Now I haven't eaten in a while so, I wasn't about to complained. They placed the food on the table and then left, "eat Reyes" Draco said, say he watched me drooling over the food.

I started to pile the food on my plate as much as it could hold, and I started to shove my face full of food, "slow down Reyes the food's not going anywhere" Draco laughed, "okay" I said and slowed down.

"Okay Reyes, I have a big day planed ahead of us" Draco said, "okay" I said and rolled my eyes and kept eating, "since I am bring you to the event, we have to talk about something first" Draco said to me, "okay, what" I said and continued eating.

"There will be many people at the event, and they will want to try and talk to you" he said, I nodded to show that I was listening, "but, you are not aloud to talk, unless I am talking to you or I give you permission to speak" he said, "okay, it not like I have a choice in the matter" I said while still eating.

"That's right you don't" Draco said and turned his attention to the Riddle's, "since I can only bring three people with me you two boys are coming" Draco said to them, "great" Tom said and he actually sounded excited.

"Don't be to excited Tom, we are only going because we are the only one's who can babysit Reyes" Mattheo said to him, "oh" Tom said and started to play with his food on his plate.

"So I guess that is why you had me bet up Theo and Blaise then eh, Malfoy" I laughed, "pretty much" he muttered, "so, what kind of things are planed for today?" I asked, "none of you business" he said to me.

"Well if I am being forced to follow along, then it kind of is my business" I said, "you will see, when the time come to it" he said.

We all then just sat in silence, and ate are food now the boy's finished in a descent amount of time but, me I took a good hour of just eating everything I could touch.

"You done yet Reyes?" Draco asked but I sounded more like a your done eating now, "yeah, I guess" I responded, "good, Tom untie her" he ordered.

Tom walked over to me and he looked mad about what I did to him the other night, "someone's in a good mood" I laughed to make him angry, "I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said as he started to aggressively untie me, "why, not are you going to go cry to your mommy" I said antagonizing him.

He clenched his fist like he was getting ready to hit me, so I stood up but before I could do anything Draco grabbed my wrist and cuffed it to his.

The Hogwarts Rivals (Dracoxreader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat