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I closed my eyes shut tight at the loud sudden noise expecting impact but, nothing, I felt no pain Draco didn't move a muscle and he seemed fine as well, I reopened my eyes and saw a look of shock on Mattheo's face as he dropped his gun and fell to his knees.

As Mattheo fell it came clear as to who had shot him, a tall slender man with dark brown hair almost black with dark brown eyes, Tom Riddle Mattheo's own brother, "Tom?" I said confused, "I couldn't let him kill anyone" Tom said as he lowered his gun, "is he..." I started, "dead no" Tom answered, "I shoot his shoulder" Tom replied, "thank you" I mouthed to him and he nodded.

"Well you may have saved my life Riddle but, I need you to leave now!" Draco ordered, "yes boss" Tom said and then walked back down the ladder and he was gone, "what you going to do now?" I asked, "well he's alive isn't he" Draco said as he let go of me and walked over to Mattheo.

"Your alive aren't you Riddle" Draco said as he tilted his head looking down at Mattheo and giving him a kick in then wounded shoulder, causing Mattheo to grunt in pain.

Draco dragged Mattheo and leaned him against the air conditioning system so he can still watch what happens, "plans aren't going to change" Draco said as he turned his back and walked away from Mattheo facing me with a big smirk on his face, raising the gun again pointed at my head, "she's still going to die tonight" he added.

All I could see was the anger and pain in Draco's eyes like he really didn't want to do it, but then I noticed movement from behind him Mattheo was shuffling himself towards his gun, I kept looking at Mattheo and back at Draco multiple time each time looking back at Mattheo him making in closer and closer to the gun laying on the ground with out Draco even noticing, he was too focused at the task at hand.

"Any last words Reyes?" Draco asked as he began to squeeze the trigger, "yes" I said looking at Mattheo who now had the gun in hand and was raising it towards Draco, "I'll love you for infinity" I said loud and proud, Draco looked confused then disoriented as the memories came flooding back he quickly lower his gun with a face full of regret, I looked back down at Mattheo was was squeezing the trigger.


Before I could even think I grabbed ahold of Draco spun him around and jumped off the roof of the building, we where falling, "I love you too" is what he said as we fell holding onto eachother, we eventually we had to stop falling we both landed in a large bush cushioning our fall a bit but, also scrapping our skin, "are you okay?" Draco asked as I was laying on top of him in a bush.

"I think so" I responded and tried to get up but there was a burning pain in my right leg and I couldn't move it, "maybe not" I said as I fell back on to him from my attempt of standing up, "what's wrong?" He asked, "he shot my leg" I told him, "how many times are you going to take a real bullet for me" he chuckled, "not funny" I said also laughing, "I'm glad you used the safe word" Draco said, "me too" I said, "so how much do you remember?" I asked, "everything and y/n I'm so, so sorry" he said with sadness in his eyes.

"Draco it's fine, none of this would of happened if I didn't do that stupid spell" I told him, "I was going to kill you" he said, "I wouldn't of let that happen" I said, "still doesn't make it right" he argued, "Draco if okay really, I'm fine your fine we are fine" I told him as I placed my hands on each of his cheeks to make sure he heard me, "okay" he said and lead his head in close and kissed me.

After a few moments we broke apart, "just a few things left to do" Draco said, "yeah" I agreed, "Mattheo" Draco said with anger in his tone, "your not going to kill him are you" I asked as Draco carried me out of the bush and brushed both of us off, "I should but no" he said still in a angry tone, "so what are you going to do to him?" I asked, "lock him away" he said and then carried us both back into the mansion.

Draco placed me on the couch in the living area by the front door and he call Theo, Blaise and Pansy they all came and Pansy was carrying a med kit, and she right away got to work on my leg, "you got lucky y/n, the bullet went right through and no major damage was done" she told me as she wrapped up my leg, "thanks" I said and she nodded.

"So what are we going to do about Mattheo?" Theo asked sounding also angry, "how do you know?" I asked, "all three of us remember as well" Blaise told me and I looked at Draco, "I kind of expanded the safe word to them as well" he said, "I'm glad you did" I said with a smile.

"Well Mattheo should still be on the roof" Draco started, "and Tom shot him so he is wounded" I added, "so we just need to get the jump on him" Draco continued, "and we can lock him away where he will do no harm to anyone ever again" I finished, "it kind of scarry how much you to think a like" Pansy said, Draco and I looked at eachother and laughed.

"I guess you to are a couple again?" Theo asked, "yeah I guess we are" I said, "we are" Draco said excited, "yeah" I said, "we should go before Mattheo has anymore time to get away" Theo said, "right" Draco said getting his mind back on track.

I stood up and started to walk towards the roof entrance, "where do you think you going?" Draco asked, "to help" I said, "not with your leg like that" he said, "I'm fine, now stop arguing with me about this it's only going to waist time" I said and continued to walk with the three boys and Pansy following behind me quickly catching up.

A/n; that's the end of this chapter, not many more chapters left now, thank you so, so much for reading this story ily all. (1126 words).

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