The Dinner Fight

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We all let the common room and made are way to the great hall to eat dinner, the food was always they was ways somthing for everyone, form chicken to pizza and many food from around the world.

We were walking down the hall, "I can't wait to eat" Ron said, "same" I replied, when I looked over to Harry and Draco and his goons push pass us and Draco should check Harry, and keeps walking.

"Well that was rude" I said, "yeah, it's like he extra hates me right now" Harry says holding his shoulder, "yeah I can see that" I said, "did he say anything to you when you were with him" Harry asked me, "no, why would he" I said, Harry just raised an eyebrow and dropped the topic.

"Oh, Ron I can smell the food already" I said to him as we approach the door, he took a sniff and said, "I smell it too, come on you guys" Ron said trying to make us move faster.

We finally made it into the great hall, we went to are seat and started putting food onto are plates.

"y/n, if I didn't know any better I think Ron is rubbing off on you" Ginny said looking down at the mountain of food on my plate.

"Is that supposed to be a bad thing" I said now shoving food in my face, "No I just find it funny" Ginny laughed, I looked up at them and started to laugh as well.

"So how was everyone's day?" I asked trying to start a conversation, "same old, same old" Ginny answered, "beside finding out a big secret, I day has also been pretty boring" Harry responded, "I had in interesting day today, full of events like I just want a easy going night" I laughed.

We all we just chatting up a storm and tell jokes, until I got thirsty "I need a drink, and we are all out of water so, I will be right back" I said and walked towards the table that had extra drinks on it.

I poured me some water, drank it all and tried to make my way back to my table, now the extra drink table is right by the Slytherin table and we all know Slytherin's hate Gryffindor's.

"Look what we have here, the Gryffindor princess" Pansy said and made her way over to me, "what do you want pug face" I asked in a annoyed tone, I didn't like her in my breathing air.

"I want you to stay away from my Dracy poo" he said and got up in my face, "first of all, get out of my space" I said and pushed her back, "and second, you can have him but, you must know he doesn't like you" I told her.

"That's a lie" she cried, "whatever Pansy I have better things to do then, stand here arguing with you" I said and started to walk away.

She then called out, "look at her, the Gryffindor princess running away" I turned back around and said, "I am not running away I am just sparing you life" I said and turned back round.

"Oh, yeah right. Just go run back to you mudblood friends" she laughed and laugher was also coming from the Slytherin table.

"Okay, you lost your chance to walked out of this" I said and walked towards her, "haha, you think you can beat me" she laughed, I walked right up to her got close to her face and said, "no, I don't think I can, I know I can".

She then swing her arm casing her hand to slap me right across my face, I looked back at her and said, "is that all you got" I laughed, and I slapped her across her face twice as hard.

You could hear the clap of my hand meeting her face, from across the room. There were some ooh's and laughter coming from all the other house's.

She looked back at me, pushed me down the ground with her falling with me, I landed on my back with Parkinson landed on top of me and she started to punch me in my face.

It wasn't long of her punching me both I pulled reverse on her, I wrapped my legs around her waist and flopped her off of me, she landed on her back.

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