Rescue Mission

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I fell back asleep until I heard screaming, I looked at Draco and he looked at me and we both ran out of our tent to see what the screaming was about.

"What's going on?" I asked running towards the group, "Hermione was taking" Harry said, "what!" I yelled, "did you see where she was taken?" I asked, "no" he answered, "did anyone see anything?" I asked, everyone shock her head no, "useless" I said and walked towards the wood.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked me, I just kept walking towards the woods, "she was taken this way" I said and pointed towards the direction.

"How do you know?" Harry asked me, "come here and I will show you" I said and everyone came to me.

"See how the sticks that are on these bushes are not fully broken off and the scuff marks on the ground, it shows signs of struggle" I said and pointed to everything I was talking about.

"One day Reyes I will find out how you know all of this" Draco said, while placing his hand on my back.

"You'll be waiting a long time Malfoy" I said and walk away causing his hand to be removed form my back.

"I am leaving to find her, and none of your can stop me also you can tag along if you wish, I leave in ten minutes" I said to everyone and walked over to the buckets of things and pulled out things I would need.

"Y/n can I come along with?" Ginny asked me, "Ginny, I would like you to stay and protect the camp, I am going to tell Blaise the same thing" I told her, "but I can help you" she said, "I know you can that's why I need you here" I told her, "okay fine but, only because it is a important job" she said, "yes one of the most important" I said to her.

I finished grabbing everything and shoved it into a backpack I found at the bottom, I walked over to Ron, "hey, Ron I just wanted to let you know I told Ginny to stay and I am going to tell Blaise the same thing" I told him.

"Well I am not going, I am not leaving Ginny alone with that git, I mean I would love to come but she is my sister" he said, "that fine Ron, I understand and I am sure Hermione will too" I smiled and left to find Blaise.

"Blaise there you are I need to tell you something" I said walking up to him, "alright what is it?" He asked, "I need you to stay and protect the camp with Ginny and Ron, who and I kidding I need you to protect them too" I laughed, "fine, I will do it but, only because you complimented me" he laughed, I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

I stood at the forest line waiting for the ten minutes to be up that when, Harry walked over to me followed by Draco and Theo.

"Theo I am suprise you want to come" I said surprised, "yeah, yeah can we just get going" he said wanting to avoid the conversation.

Off we went into the forest I followed the trail of Hermione being dragged throw the forest.

We were walking and following the trail until it want cold, "the trails gone cold" I said and looked at Harry, "what dose that mean?" Theo asked, "it means who ever took her stoped leaving use a trail" I said.

"Well where do we go from here?" Harry asked, "well ask far as I can tell they could out went one of two ways" I said, "so we are going to have to split up?" Harry said.

"Indeed" I said, "okay y/n I will go with you" Harry said, "no, Harry you can't" I said, "and why not?" Harry asked, "because you are going with Theo" I said, "no way I am leaving you to wander the forest with that ferret!" Harry yelled.

"I am standing right here" Draco said, "Harry I don't trust those two to bring back Hermione without one of us there" I told him, "I don't like this idea y/n" Harry said to me with a worried face.

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