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My family is safe. I surrounded by the people I love and the ones who love me, I didn't think that this is how my life would go but it did. I'm not with everyone I've ever cared for but that is life, some come and go but the best ones stay.

In a four bedroom cabin in the woods but a beautiful lake, we all sit by a fire. Draco with his arm wrapped around me, the Riddle brothers laughing at something Theo said and Blasie and Pansy sharing a blanket. This is was I longed for, simple and happy life with the people I love my family.

"Y/n?" Draco asked me, I turn my head to look at him, Draco slides off the log we share and gets down on one knee. I gap and bring my hands to my mouth a Draco pulls out a diamond ring with emerald around the band, "y/n Reyes, I know we've had our ups and downs but I've always known you were the one for me" Draco slides the ring on my finger, "will you marry me?" He asked, "yes!" I smile, I've never been happier in my life.

I'll be living forever with the man I love and surrounded by the people I most care for. "Pansy?" I said, she looks at me with a bug smile on her face, "will you be my bridesmaid?" I asked her, she nods over and over again, "I'd love to" she agreed almost shedding a tear, "Blaise?" Draco asked, "hell ya man" Blasie agreed, "are your all invited of course" I said, everyone laughs.


Who knew the Riddle's we good wood workers, they both made quick work creating an arch for us to get married under. Pansy decorated the whole things with green, white and silver, our colours. I could imagine a better wedding. Pansy got me a wedding dress and picked her first option, and I loved it.

I asked Mattheo to walk me down the isle, he said he'd love to. Tom is officiating the wedding. I now stand on our back patio with Mattheo at my side, me wearing a huge wedding dress with my hair and makeup done waiting for Theo to start the music.

"Are you nervous?" Mattheo asked me, "yes, and no" I told him, "this is a new beginning" I added, "and I'm scared and excited for what it will hold" I said, "I'm really happy for you" Mattheo said, "thank you, that means alot coming from you" I told him, he smiles.

Theo plays the music, Mattheo and I start to walk down the isle he and his brother mad. At the end I see Draco in a full black suite standing on one side under the arch, Tom in the middle with Blaise and Pansy on opposite sides on the outskirts. We all dressed for the occasion. I could cry in so happy.

We make it to the arch, Mattheo hands me off to Draco then he joins Theo in the seats infront of us. "We gather here today to wed the two most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting" Tom starts, "cut to the chase Riddle" Draco mumbles to him, "fine" Tom said, "do you Draco Lucius Malfoy take y/n Reyes as you wife?" Tom asked, "I do" Draco smiled, "and do you y/n?" Tom started but I cut him off, "I do" I said eager.

"Okay" Tom laughed, "in now pronouns you husband and wife" Tom said, "you may not kiss you bride" he finished. Draco takes ahold of me and dripping me into a dip as he kissed me like he has never before.

The rest of the night was filled with dancing and drinking. Eventually one by one we all let to head inside. Draco and I had a very eventful night together. In the morning I hear taps on my window.

I get out of bed and walk towards the window. "What is it love?" Draco asked me, "I don't know" I said and pulled open the window, an owl flew in. Theres a note in is beak I take the note and give the owl a treat before it fly's away. I walk back over to the bed and open the note with Draco.

"Congratulations on the marriage but your life is going to get worst from here" 

A/n; that's the very last chapter of The Hogwarts Rivals (Dracoxreader). I would like to thank everyone who read this story, it was my first ever story and I know it wasn't very well written at times but I hope you still enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I also know it might not have the best ending but I wanted to put there story to rest. Thank you for reading <3
(816 words).

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