Where Are We?

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With a blink of a eye, we won't in the great hall any more. I looked around and saw nobody, not my friends and not even Draco and his goons. I looked around and all I saw was thick trees covering every inch I could see and the grass was long and thick, like no body has ever walked on it before.

I didn't know what to do but, walk around in hopes that I will find someone, so off I went walking throw the thick grass passing by tree that all look the same there is no sense of direction, I couldn't tell if I have was walking straight or in circles.

I had to have been walking around for what could of been a hour but, I could really tell the time I could of been walking for five hours or only ten minutes, but if felt like I was getting no where.

I made sure to keep quiet just incase I could hear one of my friends or make sure I can hear if a predator was coming, because I was in the woods there can be all different kinds of animals.

I finally heard something it was faint but, I could hear it, "hello?" I knew how it was.

"Harry?" I called out, "y/n, I am over here" he yelled, "okay keep talking, I will follow the sound of you voice" I yelled out to him, he kept talking and I eventually made it to him.

"Harry!" I said and run up to him and gave him a hug, "y/n, thank Merlin you are okay" he said hugging me back, I pulled away from the hug "Harry you face look horrible" I laughed and gave his face a little tap.

"Gee thanks you don't look too good yourself" he laughed, "you should of see the other guys" I laughed and he joined in.

"Alright we should get a move on, I we want to find the others" I said to Harry, "alright let's go" he said and off we went, we were walking for a good while until we came across a fresh water river.

"Harry look fresh water" I said and pointed toward the water, "thank Merlin I am thirsty" he said and we both ran to the river to get a drink.

We were getting a drink of water when we heard footsteps, "Harry get down" I whispered, she hid behind a bush to wait to see who or what it was, I looked up over the bush to see it I can see something and it was Hermione.

"Hermione!" I said and walked towards her, "y/n, Harry thank Merlin we have found eachother" she side while give us both a hug, "have you seen Ginny and Ron?" Harry asked, "no, I was hoping you were with them" she replied, "well, we better go and find them" I said and they both agreed and off we went.

It was starting to get dark outside and the light starred to die down, the noises started to become creepy and scarry.

"I would hate to be alone out here at night" I said linking arms with Hermione and Harry not wanting to lose them, "agreed, we better find the others quick" Hermione said.

We walked and the light completely faded away, so we pulled out our wands to use as a light, "hey, guys I see a glow coming from this way" Hermione said and pointed to way that she saw the light.

"Yeah I see it too" I said and we started running towards the light, we ran for a good ten minutes of just running blind throw the wood until we got closer and we saw two lights.

"Guys stop" I whispered, "why what is it?" Hermione asked, "what if it is Malfoy or his goons" I said, "what is it is not?" Harry said, "okay we will go but we will only get close enough to see their faces" I said and they nodded.

We walked closer as quite as we could  we got close enough to see their faces and it was Ron and Ginny.

"Ginny!" I said and ran towards her, "Ron!" Harry said and ran towards him, "thank Merlin it's you guys" Hermione said giving them both hugs.

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