Harry What Have You Done

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Harry banged on their door over and over, until someone opened it "Potter what are you doing here?" Blaise asked, "where's Malfoy!" He said and pushed his way in.

"Harry let's go" I said following him into their common room, "Malfoy!" Harry yelled and started looking around their common room.

And there he was Malfoy walked out of his dorm and into the common room, "what do you want Potter?" He asked annoyed.

"To do this" Harry walked up to Draco and punched him as hard as he could right in his face and then Harry just walked away dragging me with him.

"Harry what have you done" I asked, "I am ending a feud" he responded, "no Harry you just started a war" I said and walked away from Harry because he just made matters worse.

I went back to the common room and everyone was there but Harry, "guys prepare your selfs Harry just started a war" I said, "what?, What do you mean he started a war?" Ginny asked, "well he just pushed Malfoy in the face for no reason, and you should of seen the look in his and all the other Slytherin's faces" I said.

"That's doesn't mean war" Hermione said, "well, it's just might be" I said and then the common room door open and in walked Harry.

I don't want to talk to him right now so, I just left to go into my dorm. "What's the matter with her?" I heard Harry ask, so I just slammed my door shut and layed down in my bed.

Hermione and Ginny walked in and sat at the end of my bed, "Harry wants to talk to you" Hermione said, "well, I don't want to talk to him" I responded, "y/n, he really need to talk to you" Ginny said.

"Fine" I said annoyed, and I got up and walked over to the common room.

"I am here, what do you want" I said in a angry tone, "I want to say I am sorry" he said, "well, Harry you are starting a war right now so" I said and walked to sit down.

"Y/n I am really sorry I wasn't thinking" he said and sat down beside me, "Harry it's fine I guess, just don't do anything like that again, we are a team here we discuss things with eachother" I told him, "yes, I know it won't happen again" he said, "good" I responded.

"Now, Malfoy is going to be looking for blood so, we all should stay clear of him" I told them, "alright will do" everyone said.

"I almost forgot today is the last day I have to tutor Malfoy" I said, "y/n you can't go now, it's dangerous" Hermione said, "well I don't want Snape yelling at me that man is scary" I told them, "okay, here's the plan we all are going to skip potions today" Hermione said.

"That's still doesn't stop me from having to tutor him" I said, "I know but at least you don't have to deal with him until then, you do sit beside him in class remember" Hermione said, "yes, that's right, okay I guess we all are skipping then" I agreed and so did everyone else.

We decided to stay in the common room to hide away, Ginny didn't even have potions and she still skipped with us.

"If somthing bad happens to me I don't want you all to come for me" I told them, "are you silly, we would come and save you" Hermione said, "no you guys can't, I don't want anyone else to get hurt" I said.

"We are not making any promises we can't keep y/n" Harry said, "guys, this might get messy" I told them, "hey, we are all in this together" Ginny said and everyone agreed, "okay" I said and that was the end of that topic.

"Okay guys potions is over we should head to are other classes now" Hermione said, "alright, let go Harry don't want to be late for charms" I told him, "right I am coming" Harry responded and we all got up and left for are classes.

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