The Dirt Room

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Draco walked me down to the dirt room, through the endless amounts of hallways, down the feels like it's endless hallway, down the hatch and through the tunnel to the dirt room.

"What do you want to know?" I asked as I sat down on the chair infront of the desk in the small dark room, "tell me the truth and only the truth" he said, "yeah, I will" I agreed, "no I don't believe you take this" he said and handed me a small vial with a thick looking liquid, "what is it" I asked taking it from his hand, "veritaserum" he said smirking and pulling up a chair next to me, "why do I need to take a truth serum?" I asked, "I don't trust you Reyes, and I need to know the truth" he said sitting down and moving the chair closer.

"Trust goes both ways Malfoy, and the truth might not always be what you want to hear" I told him, "I know you don't remember but, we've done this before" I added, "just drink it" he said annoyed, "fine" I said and drank the whole vial and placed it down on the desk infront of me.

"First, tell me who put the letters on you" he said in a demanding tone, "you" I flat out said, "that's impossible" he responded, "no it not clearly" I mocked, "second why did you defend Potter even know he was being rude to you at the beginning of the year?" He asked, I tried my hardest not to talk, "is he like your boyfriend?" He added sounding a bit jealous, "ew, no he's my brother" I blurted and then slapped my hand over my mouth.

"What?!" He said shocked and confused, "explain" he added, "my ring" I said, "yes what about it?" He continued, "it the only thing I've got from my real parents" I added, "okay?" He said, "Hermione took my ring and matched it to my real parents which is the same as Harry's" I told him, "when I've never see you even take the ring off or even have time to" he said confused, "because I didn't find out last week" I said, "but you have only known Granger for a week" he said, "more like a year" I went on.

"Tell me how" he demanded, "I hated the way things where going for everyone and I wanted to change that so I did a large obliviate spell on everyone" I told him, "and so are things better?" He asked, "actually no" I told him, but that's not what I wanted to say I have been telling myself that things are better for the longest time I almost believed it but, that is far from true.

"So what's different?" He asked, "well, Harry and Ginny aren't together, neither is Ron and Hermione and Mattheo has a weird obsession with me, Pansy and I don't talk anymore my true friends are all don't remember me and I hate...." I said and stopped myself, Draco's jaw was dropped, "continue" he said intrigued, "I hate that... you..." I said, "just spit it out Reyes I what?" He asked, "I hate that you hate me" I said fast.

"Did I not hate you before?" He asked standing up from his chair, "well yes" I said, "that makes no sense" he responded walking around the room running his hand through his hair, "I don't to be honest I don't really understand it either" I told him, "well there is more things I need to know but, we'll come back to this topic" he said and sat back down.

"What's Mattheo's deal with me?" He asked, "well where do I even start with this guy" I said even know I wanted to avoid talking about Mattheo knowing what will happen if he finds out I did.

"Start from the beginning" Draco said, "from the moment Mattheo saw me was when he knew he wanted me to be him" I started, "in the great hall?" He asked, "no, when you sent him my photo" I said, "and since I was yours for the time being well to you and him I was" I said but he cut me off, "you are mine" he said sounding protective, "anyways he layed back until I obliviated everyone and now he thinks this is he chance" I explained, "well that's not bloody happening" Draco snapped and shot up out of his seat and started to head towards the door, "but he can't know that I have told you this!" I shot out as Draco's hand hit the door knob.

"Why not" he asked only turning his head to look back at me, "because, if you do he will kill you" I told him, "it's not like he can" Draco scoffed, "I think he has found a way" I said and stood up and walked over towards Draco.

"Kill me over you?" He asked, "yes?" I said unsure, "well then plans have changed then" Draco said and grabbed my arm, "what are you doing?" I asked and tried to pull away, "giving Mattheo what he wants" he said with pure evil in his tone, "what dose that mean?" I asked, "don't worry about it, I need to lock you away for now anyways" Draco said.

"No!" I shouted and grabbed ahold of the chair I was sitting on and throw is at Draco, I quickly looked around and saw a bunch of keys attached to a ring and grabbed it shoving the keys into my pants pocket, "you pathetic twat!" He shouted angerly and grabbed ahold of me by wrapped his arms around he and picking me up, but I was kicking and swinging my arms around trying to escape but, I moved too much he heard the keys in my pocket.

"What do you have?" He asked not letting go of me, "nothing!" I shouted, "you have my keys" he said realizing what the sound is and he tossed me out of his arms, "give them to me" he demanded sticking his hand out for me the place the keys, "no" I said, "then this is going to go alot worse for you" he said and a more calm but scarry tone, "try me" I said and booked it for the exit.

I actually managed to slip past him and into the tunnel, now the tunnel is very dark and easy to get away in, I ran and ran for the ladder on the other side, but I was tackled from behind causing my clothes to get soaking wet for the water that is all over the ground.

Draco rolled me over onto my back so he can see my face, "you making it alot easier for me to kill you" he blurted out, "what?!" I said in pure shock, "I shouldn't of said that" he responded but then shrugged his shoulders, "why?" I asked, "well, first I'll kill you infront of Mattheo so he can suffer knowing that I have won and I'll let him live knowing that you where mine in the end" he smirked, "that's sick Malfoy!" I shouted, "that's the how things work" he chuckled.

"Now stop messing around and come with me quietly and I'll make your death quick" he said trying to hold me down as I am constantly trying to escape, "I won't let you do that" I said, "because that's exactly why he want to kill you" I added, "what?" He said confused, "because I love you and he know that and he want to get rid of the only thing standing in his way" I told him honesty, "if you love me then why do all of this, change everything that was once good?" He asked.

"Because I don't see back then that it was really good, and you warned me and yes Draco I do regret it" I said, "you telling me this doesn't change what's about to happen because the Draco you speak of is gone" he spat, "I know" I cried, "I hope you find him where your going" he said, "I hope so to" I said and stopped fighting.

Draco then scooped me up tossed me over his shoulder and carried back down to the dungeon, Draco pushed me into a cell and locked the cell door, "I won't enjoy killing you" he said as he walked away, "y/n are you alright?" Ginny called from the cell across from me, "better then alright" I said, "really because, I thought I just heard Malfoy say he's going to kill you" she said, "oh, you heard right" I said with a smile, "then why you so happy?" She asked, "because where getting out of here" I said pulling the cell keys out of my pocket and showing Ginny.

"You got it" she whispered, "did you ever doubt me?" I asked with a slight laugh, "no" she smiled back, I think tried all the keys in my lock and eventually one worked, I then pushed open the door and ran over to Ginny cell door and started to try and unlock her cell and it work the key clicked and I pulled open the cell door, "now what?" She asked as she stepped out of the cell, "now we got out of here" I told her.

A/n; that's the end of this chapter, hope you enjoyed. (1573 words).

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