What Diggory Want's

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As all of us but Tom jumped out of the carriage we saw a white stone building, I looked small compared to the one Draco owns, there was a red brick pathway leading up to the front door where we saw the group of Hufflepuff's just standing in the middle of the path joking around.

"So, how do we jump them for there uniforms exactly?" Blaise asked, "like this" I said and started walking towards the group and pulled out my wand, "hey! Hufflepuff's!" I called out, they all turned to me in confusion, "Petrificus Totalus!" I casted and there body's got frozen causing them to fall to the ground, "that was easy" Theo laughed as they walked up to me and the now body binded Hufflepuff's, "we just need there robes and sweater vests" I said as I stared to take the uniform off the girl who looked closest to my size.

Everyone else did the same and we were all now dresses in the Hufflepuff uniform, "this is revolting" Draco spat, "do we all agree after this we forget ever wearing these" Theo said, "agreed" we all said disgusted not ever wanting to wear a Hufflepuff uniform. A/n; no offense to all the Hufflepuff's out there <3.

We then dragged there body's in to our carriage so no one would see just a bunch of kids laying in the middle of the pathway and Tom then drove a fair distance was just so he can see if we come running out and so no one will notice him.

We all walk up to the front door with out hoods up and heads down, the door was dressed in yellow designs and the handle was a mat black, "this man has bad taste in hide outs" Draco said bluntly, "yeah yours is way nicer" Pansy agreed, "guys were not here to judge the design of his hideout, were here to find out what he has planned" I reminded them, "right" Draco mumbled, "well go ahead y/n knock" Blaise said, "why me?" I asked, "your standing in the closet" Theo added, "fine" I gave in and knock on the door.

"Password!" A deep voice shouted, "password what?" Theo whispered, "umm, badger" I said to the door and the door opened, "how'd you know?" Pansy asked, "it's there house mascot" I said with a slight giggle, and we all walked into the building.

The entrance was brightly lit with many windows and lights hanging from the ceiling wrapped in gold, "geez it's bright in here" Draco whispered, "not everyone's emo like you mate" Blasie responded giving Draco a joking slap on the back, "quite guys your going to get us caught" I whispered and we all fixed our hoods and put our heads down.

It was a long hallway we had to walk down but we eventually joined a group of Hufflepuff's to blend in with, we followed then into an room almost like the great hall, there was a long black carpet with gold outline and a group of chair's for the Hufflepuff's to sit they all faced a lifted level of the floor where there was a throne looking chair, it was red velvet fabric and metallic black arms and legs.

"Are you guys going to sit down or stand there for the whole meeting?" A Hufflepuff girl asked as we didn't notice everyone was seated and there was five sets left were the girl was talking to us, we all looked at eachother and sat down to avoid any more attention then we have all ready drawn.

We sat with our heads down and listed into the slight chatter that was going on around the room, "what do you think the meeting is about?" A girl asked at a table across from us, "I have no idea he never calls a meeting these days" another added, "I heard a rumor that it has to do something with that Slytherin girl" a boy said, "the new one that came in with those's two hot Slytherin boys?" The first girl asked, "yeah".

Draco and the others gave me a look of maybe you shouldn't of came, but the room suddenly went quite and the lights dimmed as a spot light shot onto the thrones chair, everyone's attention including ours went to the only chair that stood out from ours.

We watched as a tall, strong build, light brown hair man walked in and sat on the chair asserting power over anyone as he looked down at everyone like they were worthless to him, "I would like to start off this meeting by restating what we went over last meeting" Cedric Diggory started.

"I know you guys don't remember early on this year's events but, I now understand" he started as he then held up the book the Dumbledore once gave me, "that's the book" I whispered to them and the Hufflepuff girl then looked at me weird and I looked back up to Cedric and she did the same, "I have read this and I understand now that's it is not your fault" he added, "and it is the fault of a new slash old Slytherin" he said and took a pause, "y/n Reyes is to blame for everyone losing there memories!" He belted.

"We have to get you out of here" Draco said grabbing my hand, "yeah I have a bad feeling about where this is leading" Pansy added, "we can't leave yet we need to know what he want" I said, and they all nodded and we brought our attention back to Diggory.

"Because of y/n Reyes you all have lost your memories, I've lost my girlfriend" he said, "Cho?" I whispered to Draco and he nodded, "you could of told me" I whispered and he just rolled his eyes and brought our attention back to Cedric who was fake crying which he was very bad at he had no tears.

He brought himself back together with a deep breath and continued, "but since this book came into my possession" he said cradling the book like it was his baby, "I have learned a few new tricks" he went on, "first I know how to get everyone's memories back" he announced and the crowd we crazy with their cheers, "but I will us it to our advantage to gain power over everyone else" he added inbetween then the crowed was taking a breath which made them cheer even louder.

Cedric then waited for the room to be quite, "and the second thing I learned is that the person who casted the memory spell can only be a great witch or wizard" he announced, "and they after casting the spell now possess a great power which can either be stolen or used by someone else if they yet to know how to control said powers" he added, "and lucky for us I have the book and y/n Reyes doesn't so I don't think she knows what the power is yet" he said, "so what are you going to do boss!" A overly excited boys yelled.

"I haven't decided yet, the way to steel the power it to kill the holder and the way to control them is to...." He said and paused, "well that's for me to know" he said with a chuckle, "and I only told you how to take the power because I know none of you would betray me" he added and the crowed laughed.

"Okay y/n now we know let's leave" Draco said, I agreed and we all got up out of our seats and put our heads down and started to walk out, "where are you five going?" Cedric asked from the front of the room as he saw us about to leave, "umm, bathroom?" Theo answered in a strangely deep voice from his own.

"Did you forget about the rule?" He asked and the others laughed, none of us but Theo have turned to talk, "yeah" Theo responded, "your not aloud to leave the room until I have left the room" Cedric said, "this guy is self absorbed" Draco chuckled, "what did you said!" Cedric yelled as he wanted to hear what Draco just said, "turn around and say it to my face boy" Cedric ordered, "run!" Blasie shouted and we all started to book it for the exit, while we were running our Hufflepuff robes flew off of us as we ran, "get them!" Cedric yelled, "it's y/n and her Slytherin gang!" He added.

Draco stopped and turned around even know we were being chased by Cedric and his Hufflepuff goons, "Draco let's go!" I yelled as the rest of us slowed down to make sure we don't get to far away from him, "y/n's gang?" Draco argued sounding all angry and tuff, I ran towards Draco and grabbed his arm, "we know it's yours not let's go" I said pulling him and we started to run again.

We made it out side, "Tom! Get ready were coming!" I yelled and Tom pulled up as close as he could and he started to roll the body's of the Hufflepuff's out of the carriage by the time he was done we all jumped into the carriage, "we can't leave them frozen like this" I said, "sure we can" Draco said as he pulled me down into my seat next to him, "no" I stood up pulling out my wand and doing the counter curse, "sorry!" I shouted as Tom drove away leaving the Hufflepuff headquarters and Cedric in the dust, "I'll find you Reyes! You will be mine!" Cedric yelled as he watched us fly away.

Draco pulled me back down into my seat again, "you will never he his" he said looking me deep in the eyes and holding my hand tight, "I know" I mumbled thinking to much about what Diggory said, "because your mine" he said in a meaningful strong tone, "I know" I mumbled even quiter I don't even know if Draco heard me.

A/n; that's the end of this chapter, (1693 words).

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