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We were walking down the hallway and went to the stairs and stated to walk up it, Draco stayed behind me as we walked up to make sure I wouldn't try and run away, like where would I go anyways.

"How?" He mumbled, "what?" I said, "nothing keep walking" he responded, we finally made it up the stairs.

We were now walking down a hallway and I couldn't even see the end it was so long, "where are you taking me?" I asked, "don't worry about it" he snapped.

I didn't say anything for a while because I wanted him to cool off before I ask my next question.

"Why didn't you just shoot me too?" I asked, "because it is easier for me if you walked so I don't have to carry you" he responded, "oh?" I said confused.

I didn't even see any doors in this hall, which was weird there was usually lots of doors in the hallways that I have been in.

Finally I could see a end to the hallway but still no doors, "stop" Draco ordered and I did, "where here" he said, I was really confused because I didn't see a entrance to anywhere.

He took notice in my confusion and pointed at the floor, I looked down and saw a little handle in the floor.

"What's down there?" I asked, "your about to find out" he answered and move me out of the way and lifted the latch in the ground, it was dark and I could see what was down there.

"Go" he said, "you think I am willingly going to go down there" I said, "relax darling I am coming with you" he said, "and that's supposed to make me feel better" I said sounding stressed, "yes" he said and nugged me towards the whole in the ground.

I looked down again and then I looked back a Draco, "go" he ordered, "okay" I said and grabbed the ladder that lead into the whole in the ground.

I climbed down the ladder and when my feet hit the ground a splash of water got my feet wet, the floor was covered in water.

I looked around but I couldn't see a thing, now only if I had my wand I could use the Lumos spell and I could see but, no.

Draco reaches the bottom and pulls out his wand and cased the spell, "sure wish I had my wand" I said, "sucks doesn't it" he laughed, "well if you just gave it to me we would be able to see better down here" I suggested.

"We can see perfectly fine" he said and we started to walk, it was like a underground tunnel the ground was covered in shallow cold water and the walls were all stone and no light to be seen, only the light coming from Draco's wand.

"For real where are we going?" I asked, "to decide" he said, "decide what?" I said confused, "what wait and see we are almost there" he said and a couple minutes later I saw another ladder.

"Climb" he said and I did and he followed close behind, I reached the top of the ladder and pushed the latch open and climbed out and followed Draco.

I looked around the room I was now in it was a room with no doors or windows there was just a table and chairs.

"What is this place?" I asked, "it's where I keep all my dirt on the other houses" he told me, "okay and why are you showing me this?" I asked, "because you need to decide somthing" he said and sat me down in a chair.

"Okay just tell me" I said he then slapped down two files infront of me, "what is this?" I asked, "open them" he said and I did.

The first on was a file on Ginny I looked in it and I says everything about her family and her relationship with the people she knows, and just everything you could possibly think of.

I looked a Draco confused on why he has a file on Ginny, "open the next one" he said and so I did and I was a file on Cho Chang, same info like Ginny's.

The Hogwarts Rivals (Dracoxreader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن