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Theo was okay and it was now night fall again, the lights went out and we all climbed into bed, I walked to the bathroom and the other two followed shortly after.

"Okay you guys ready?" I asked, "yeah, just one thing" Mattheo said, "which is?" I asked, "your now coming with us gorgeous" Mattheo said, "what, what do you mean?" I asked, I was confused on what was happening.

"He said you can't come" Theo said, "I thought we won't fighting any more, we befriended one another" I said, "we are not fighting anymore, we really do like you Reyes and we hope that you could forgive us" Mattheo said, "yeah, we're sorry for what is about to happen Reyes" Theo said.

"Guys you don't have to do this" I said upset, "yeah we do" Theo said, "sorry" Mattheo said and grabbed the shower curtain rod and smacked me in the head with it.

They then took the curtain and tied it around my arms and my stomach, "let's go Theo" Mattheo said, "were really sorry Reyes, it's just what had to be done" Theo said before walking out of the bathroom.

"You guys betrayed me, how could you" I yelled, and they just left me in the bathroom with a shower curtain tied around me.

My head we pounding from the impact and I just sat there for a moment trying to regain my strength.

I then stood up and walked over to the door knob of the bathroom door and used it to help me untie myself.

Once I was free I ran over to the door to exit to room and it was left open, "wow" I said and walked out of the room, the stair was was dark and I couldn't really see, but I didn't see any people so I took my chances and ran up the stairs.

I was at the top and I could finally see, the lights in these hallways were always on, I looked around and I had two options take the hallway on the right or the one on the left, there was another hallway in the middle but that one lead to the long hallway that had on doors.

I really didn't have a plan on what I was going to do, or where I was going to go I just wanted out of that room.

So I took the hallway on the right and ran down it a quite as I possibly could.

I eventually saw a open window, I knew I have to leave through that one or a alarm will set off, so I put one leg throw and before I could get my other leg through someone placed there hand over my mouth and pulled me out of the window.

The pulled me so I fell onto the ground and I looked up at who it was and it was Theo and Mattheo, "you two twats left me" I said, "we know but we have a good reason" Theo said, "oh, yeah tell me" I said standing back onto my feet, "we can't" Mattheo said, "of course not" I said and started to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Theo asked, "away from you guys" I said, "he coming" Mattheo said, "what?" I said and turned around.

"Draco he is coming that way" Theo said and pointed in the direction I was walking, "thanks" I said and started to walk the other way.

"You need us Reyes" Mattheo said, "I think I can manage on my own" I said and kept walking but they followed behind me.

"Can you guys not follow me you elephant feet are going to get me caught" I said, they didn't say anything they just kept following, "where are you planing on going anyways?" Theo asked, "I don't really know, I guess I will just keep hiding until he eventually give up and I can leave" I said, "that will never work" Theo said, "yeah, well that's the only thing I got" I said.

We were walking down a hallway and we heard somthing, "shh" I said and pushed them toward the wall, "foot steps" I whispered, "quick over here" Mattheo said and grabbed mine and Theo's hands and pulled us in to a empty room.

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