Locked Away

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Harry left me, in this room locked away not knowing when I will see the light if day again.

I sat in the corner think about ways to get out, what will happen when I do and dose Harry really think I will help him get something back that I helped steel, that's ridiculous.

I also kept thinking about Draco, like I wonder what he is doing right now or if he was making a plan to get me, he probably is, and I wish I told him what I was about to say on the roof but, it was in too much pain to say it.

It was now the next day, well I think how can I tell when it is night or day when there is no window to look out of.

It felt like I was locked away in here for many days I am sure it wasn't, but it sure did feel like it.

The dress I am wearing still covered in now dried up blood and dirt from this room, I so badly wanted to get out of this dress and into something more casual, I was even missing wearing Pansy clothes at this point, and even Draco's oversize clothes sound good right about now.

I was in mid thought when the door to the room opened, "I would like to talk about your offer" Harry said as he walked in, I stood up and walked towards him.

"Okay what about it" I said, "I want you to get the sword back for me" he said, "okay done, but I will need some better clothes" I said looking down at my dress.

"We have more things to talk about but that can be arranged" he said and held out his hand, I took it and he walked me out into the hallway.

We then walked into a room that looked unoccupied, "who's room is this?" I asked looking around, "it is supposed to be yours" he said, "what?" I said confused, "yeah, well we brought all of you things over here from Hogwarts" he told me.

"Wow, thanks" I said, "no problem" he said and left closing the door behind him, I need to make Harry think he can trust me, so I wasn't going to try and leave at this moment.

I walked over to this massive wardrobe and opened it, it was filled with all my clothes that I brought to Hogwarts.

I grabbed a black tank top and my light blue mom jeans and I went to the bathroom that was connected to my room.

I have a shower and put in my clothes, it almost felt weird wearing my own things.

I went back over to my wardrobe and grabbed a gray zip up sweater and put it on, I felt like the old me again. Was that a good thing maybe yes, maybe no but, I am always my self that's all that mattered to me.

Harry came back into the room and looked at me like he saw a ghost, "you okay Harry?" I asked, "what, yeah all good" he said, "follow me" he said and lead me to a office looking room.

"This is my office, make yourself comfortable" he said, I was looking around the office, there was a desk with a computer and a chair and both sides of the desk there was also a closet that had all of Harrys jackets hanging in it.

"Hey, Harry do you mind getting me so water I am fairly thirsty" I asked him, "umm, sure I will be right back don't go anywhere" he said, "I won't" I told him and he left the room.

I had an idea, I made my way over to Harry jackets and began to look for the one he was wearing at the event, and there it was.

I started to feel around the jacket for the device that Draco planted in it and yes, I felt it I quickly grabbed it shoved it into my sweater pocket and sat in the chair infront of his desk.

Harry returned with a glass of water and handed it to me, "here you go" he said and handed me the glass, "thank you" I said taking the glass and taking a sip.

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