chapter 2

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Me: "So when is the coke arriving?And where the fuck is Danger, he was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago!!?" We're in one of our warehouses having one of those update meetings we have once or twice a week.

Mnqobi: *leaning on the wall, eating an apple* "Calm down bafo, he did say he was going to be late." Does this idiot know how much trouble we're in? Holy shit, dad is going to kill us all.

Khaya: "The coke has arrived, Spider just confirmed that. I wonder what got you so worked up?". Danger finally arrived sipping some drink while carrying a mcDonalds paper bag. So this idiot decided to stop for some food Nx.

Mthoko: "And wena Sphe? You decide ukuth' uzoyotheng' ukudla instead of coming here early. Yazin letha lokho kudla nx. *trying to snatch the paper bag away from him*

Danger: "fusek wena, this is my lunch so please tu. Now let's get down to business. Did you hear that ubra Mbuso was assassinated today?".

Mnqobi: "Shit! Who would fuckin do that? Now die man cant keep our men away from prison".

Khaya: "Even worse, we lost a supplier and you know that he supplies us with the good stuff"Damnit. Whoever killed that man deserves a bullet in the forehead and I need to find that person Nx.

me: "Ok moving on, so Cobra informed me that the container that had the black diamonds in um...missing".

Them: *shocked* "WHAT?!!".

Mthoko: "HOW COULD YOU FUCKIN LET THAT HAPPEN??! Fuck, dad is gonna kill us".

Danger: "Do you know who took them?".

me: "It was some gang called THE PRIDE, my men are still tracking them down but it seems like they're not amateurs.".

Khaya: "I dont give 2 shits about that, we have to find those diamonds before dad finds out about this, those stones are worth 2.5 million dollars each so that's like losing about 50 million dollars bro.".

Mnqobi: "It's fine, we will find them, I will call Sthe so he can track them down". Well, that's if they havent sold them yet. You see, when I find those fuckers, they will regret they ever stole from the DRAGONS.
Anyways, My name is Manqobisizwe Aiden Zungu also known as GHOST i'm 27 and Im a mafia leader, leader of the notorious DRAGONS. I have 6 siblings with Mthokozisi aka RUTHLESS(30) being the first born, followed by Khayalethu aka AXE(29), my twin Mnqobiwesizwe aka BULLET(27), Sphesihle aka DANGER who my dad adopted when he was 15 since both his parents died and is the same age as Sthembiso aka KILLER(25) and lastly, the princess of the family, Langelihle(21) who is still studying. My father was the gang leader but he retired and handed it to me since Khaya and Mthoko didn't want to lead. Well, both of my parents, Muzikayise aka BEAST(52) and Sbahle aka MRS BEAST(49), were both in the mafia but my father retired when some russians killed mom. So besides me and my brothers being gangsters in suit, we all have different occupations, like for instant Im an Accountant so I handle the financial side of everyone's businesses and the gang, Mthoko is a chemical engineer, Khaya is a lawyer so he handles the legal side of all our businesses and the gang, Mnqobi is a scientist/Pharmacist, Sphe is a doctor and owns the family hospital and Sthe is an IT specialist. Well I have a beast. Yep it's in the bloodline so all of the men in our family have it, also Danger has it because he's part of the bloodline and his father was my father's little brother which makes him my cousin.

Danger: "You see, all of this talk is making me hungry". He took out burgers and haanded them out. We ate in silence and out of the blue, Sthe arrived, taking the burger out of Khaya's hands and takes a bite.

Khaya: "Ai fokof wena, bring back my burger" *chasing Sthe around the room*.
Sthe: *laughing* "Ahh ntwanaz, sharing is caring mos".

Khaya: "Angithi you came late so don't make that my problem". And he gave him back a half eaten burger while laughing at him.
Mthoko: "Avenihlanya nina, ai let me go phela some of us have someone waiting for us at home. Kodwa vele you would never know. Maybe some of you are playing for the other team." He said as he stood up and we all chuckled. Welcome to my life....

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