chapter 27

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Thriller : "Are you sure about this? Those guys won't survive the training."
Screws: "They must suffer. They're too cocky and arrogant for my liking."
Terror: "I agree." Thriller was right. Those shitheads wouldn't survive the brutality of the training. Trust me, I've done it while I was still under the agency. The training camp was located on the outskirts of Russia. It was isolated and highly secured, meaning that no one could leave and enter unless they had told the commander that they were coming or they had finished their training and had 'graduated'. The camp trained people who were involved in crime and turned them into heartless killing machine, for example, me. It was 2am, and i was preparing for the camp with the crew in the kitchen. After 30 minutes, the Zungu's walked in, and you could see and feel the tension between them and my crew.

Me: "You guys are early."
Sthe: "We were bored, so we decided to come chill with our new bestie." He said sarcastically.
Khaya: "Manje, what's for dinner?" He said as he opened the fridge and took out the leftover lasagna Terror made. He then took out forks for himself and his brothers, and they ate straight out of the casserole dish, which annoyed Terror.
Danger: "Aw Terror, Terrible one, Triple T. Kanti upheka kanje?" The brothers chuckled. Terror ignored him and carried on working on her laptop. They finished eating and placed the dish along with the folks in the sink and sat on the couches.
Mthoko: "Where is this training?"
Me: "Europe."
Manqoba: "Where in Europe?"
Cobra: "That information is classified." Mnqobi rolled his eyes.
Scissors: "Ok guys, time to go." We stood up and loaded bags in the cars, then drove to the airport. A military aircraft was awaiting our arrival, which was organised by Nkunzi. We boarded, and in less than an hour, we were in the sky.

Danger: "Mara Ndaloz, why are we flying with this? Imali isiphelile yini?"
Thriller: "Does this guy ever shut the fuck up?" He said in annoyance.
Danger: "Unfortunately for you wena Michael Jackson, I dont." The brothers chuckled.
Manqoba: "How long is this flight?"
Cobra: "A couple of hours. There's snacks in that cooler if want." He was referring to the cooler box that was next to Mthoko.
Khaya: "What's this now? Are we really going to eat military food?"
Me: "Then dont eat. Simple ." I took a glance at Manqoba, and i could see that his mind was far away, probably thinking of his sister and girlfriend. Well, I didn't care about them. All i care about was finding Antonio and killing that son of a bitch. I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to run wild. I thought about my life before the agency and when my mom was still alive. I still remember the day when she found out i was an assassin. She almost had a heart attack as she thought i was a businesswoman who went to work and made hundreds of millions every day. I woke up by Terror nudging me and she gave me a nod. I looked at the brothers and they were sleeping so i asked Thriller to wake them up, and lets just say Thriller had fun.

Thriller: "Yey, vukani man. This isn't your mother's house." He roughly shook all of them.
Mthoko: "Yey wena msunu."
Sthe: "Fokof wena, nx."
Me: "We're here. Buckle up." They buckled their seat belts.
Khaya: "Are you sure that this is the place? There's literally nothing here." When I said the training camp was secluded, I meant it was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by tall trees and mountains. The training camp was a 4-story building with over 15 levels underground. When we landed, we were escorted by several guards into the building and to the commander's office.

Comm: "тигрица, мы снова встретимся (Tigress, we meet again). Welcome back to the camp." He said in a russian accent. The commander was a 52 year old Russian man who was in charge of the camp and a retired head general of the Russian military. He had inherited the camp from his father, who was also a notorious mafia leader and a business partner to the infamous Pablo Escobar. To say his father was a bad person was an understatement. He raised the commander in the most cruel way ever, which shows in the way the camp operates and how the students are trained to be emotionless, killing machines like me. The guards showed us where we would be sleeping, in which level 23 was the sleeping quarters-both men and women on the same level but different sections. After we had seen where we would be sleeping, we were then taken to the dining hall where everyone was there. The 4 head instructors stood beside the commander on the podium - Navi, David, Knives, and Terminate. I knew all 4 of them as they were my trainers when I was here a few years ago. David was in charge of combat fighting, Navi was in charge of everything that involved IT and hacking, knives... that was self-explanatory. He knew everything about knives and the quickest way to kill someone. And then there was Terminate who had all of the other instructors' skills combined.

Comm: "Listen up, training starts at 4 and ends at 7, and breaks are 1 hour long. Here are the rules: You don't complete your training, you die. You give up, you die as this is the survival of the fittest. There will be no males in the women's sleeping quarters and no women in the male's sleeping quarters. The people in front of you are your instructors who will train you and transform you into something unstoppable. With that being said, welcome to the Devil's playground." And he walked down from the podium and was escorted by the guards, followed by the instructors.

Let the games begin.....

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