chapter 37

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It was 9:45 and I was waiting for Mr Rude (Danger) to fetch me. I sat on the bed and ate the remaining food Khwezi got me. I was actually glad that the bruises on my face had faded as they were so visible due to my skin complexion. My phone rang, and it was Khwezi.

Me: "Friendship."
Khwezi: "Hey babes, how are you?"
Me: "NgiGrand ntwana, wena?" She laughed.
Khwezi: "Im good. Manje, why are you so happy ek'seni kangaka?"
Me: "Im just glad that I'm leaving this place, and im..." She interrupted me.
Khwezi: "Leaving? Wait, are you getting discharged?"
Me: "Yeah, today."
Khwezi: "Why didn't you tell me? I was going to come fetch you."
Me: "It's not a big deal, Khwezi. Someone is coming to fetch me."
Khwezi: "Who?"
Me: "Mr Rude." I said while rolling my eyes.
Khwezi: "Who the hell is that?"
Me: "Sphe." Khwezi burst out laughing.
Khwezi: "Haibo girl, why are you calling him that?"
Me: "Beacause he's rude. He even said that I should drop my attitude or else, he's going to fuck it out of me. Imagine. "
Khwezi was laughing hysterically.
Khwezi: "You two deserve each other. "
Me: "No, we don't."
Khwezi: "Manje, where are you going to stay? Dont tell me you're going back to your apartment."
Me: "Fuck no. I'm staying with Sphe."
Khwezi: "Really?"
Me: "Yeah, non-negotiable."
Khwezi: "Yoh, ok. Then I'll come see you later."
Me: "Ok, chommie."
Khwezi: "I have to go. Love you." Sphe walked it.
Me: "Love you too." And I hanged up.

Danger: "Who was that?" I got off the bed.
Me: "Someone." He gave me a look, but I ignored him. The doctor came with my prescription and the discharge forms. Sphe signed them while I was putting on my slippers. A nurse came with a wheelchair and placed it next to me.
Me: "Um... do I have to sit on it?" The nurse looked at and smiled.
Nurse: "You don't have to, dear." I sighed in relief. I walked out with Sphe, following me with my bag. We got on the elevator and went to the basement parking. This time, he walked in front of me. I watched him as he walked, and I must admit, his physique was great. Tall, dark, handsome, rude, and intimidating are words I would use to describe him. We walked towards a black G wagon, and he opened the door for me. I got on in, and he went to put the bag in the boot. He got in, and we drove away from the hospital. I ended up falling asleep since the drive was a bit long.

Danger: "Phuma. Sesifikile." This nigga..Now you know why I say he's rude. I looked around, and I was met by the most gorgeous house ever ( I mean mansion). The dark grey colour on the wall made this place look so expensive. He didn't park inside the garage, so we used to front door to enter the house, and I must say, the house looked so beautiful. The interior was different shades of greys with a touch of white. Khwezi and her man were seated all cozy by the lounge. She literally screamed when she saw me.

Khwezi: "Friend!" She got up from the couch and gave me a hug.
Me: "Bitch, you're so loud." She rolled her eyes and dragged me to the lounge. Her man gave me a little smile when he saw me. Meanwhile, the asshole was pouring himself whiskey.
Me: "Hi, I just wanted to thank both of you for saving me back there. I appreciate it." Manqoba nodded while Sphe kept quiet. His phone rang, and he signaled Sphe to follow him. They stood up, and Manqoba gave khwezi a kiss on the forehead, and they walked out.

Khwezi: "So how are you feeling?" She asked as we sat down on the couch.
Me: "Im ok, just tired from the walking and the pills."
Khwezi: "Your therapist will see you tomorrow." I forgot about that.
Me: "Oh..that."
Khwezi: "Haibo, what's that supposed to mean?"
Me: "Lutho. Please show me a bedroom, I want to lay down." She looked at me, then stood up and showed me the nearest bedroom. I looked around for my bag but I couldn't see it.

Khwezi: "Ubhekani?"
Me: "My bag. Have you seen it?"
Khwezi: "No, but I'll ask Sphe if he knows where it is." I nodded, then got in the covers. Khwezi sat on the bed and looked at me.
Khwezi: "You can talk to me, Kuhle. I can see you're not ok."
Me: "Ngi-right, Khwezi."
Khwezi: "Phiwo, I've known you for a very long time. So I can tell when you're lying to me or giving me a fake smile."
Me: "Im fine, Khwezi." I heavily sighed.
Khwezi: "But Phiwo..."
Me: "FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME, IM FUCKEN OK!" She looked at then looked away. I sighed again.
Me: "I just want to be alone, if you dont mind." I turned around and covered myself with the duvet. I felt her stand up.
Khwezi: "I'll check up on you later. Love you." She said softly. I heard her footsteps fade, and then the door closed.
Yes, I felt bad for shouting at her like that, but to be honest, I wasn't ok. I felt like i was slowly being sucked into a black hole with no way to escape. A tear dropped down my cheek, and I quickly wiped it.

(Present tense) Allow me to introduce myself..

My name is Phiwokuhle Celenhle Tamia Mkhize. Aged 24, and I'm the only child to my mother, Precious Dube. The piece of shit I call my father has 3 other children whom he adores, except for me.
I don't have a close relationship with my mom due to my childhood, so I try to block her from my life. I am a lawyer, and I only have one friend, and that's khwezi. I am currently suffering with a lot of things, but I choose to keep quiet and put on a facade for Khwezi and everyone else. Don't be fooled by my funny and crazy personality. Depressed, sad, hurt, tired, broken, and lifeless are words I would use to describe myself.

Watch as I slowly drift away and into the dark hole of my pain and misery....:)



I looked over at Danger, and he was concentrated on the road. We were on our way to Ndalo's place.
Me: "So.. how's your girl?" He looked at me then back at the road.
Danger: "She's not my girl."
Me: "Then why is she staying with you?" He kept quiet.
Me: "Answer the question."
Danger: "Phuma emasendeni ami bafo." I chuckled then, decided to respect his wish, and I kept quiet, even though I knew that he had feelings for her. We arrived at Ndalo place, and everyone was there except for uBaba and Richard.  Even the PRIDE was there.

Ndalo: "You're late."
Me: "So?" She rolled her eyes and drank her whiskey.
Sthe: "Nginombuzo." He said when everyone was seated in the lounge. We looked at him.
Sthe: "Why are they here?" He was referring to the Pride.
Ndalo: "What's wrong with them being here, in my house?"
Mnqobi: "Well, I didn't know that we had included outside people in this." Thriller and Scissors chuckled.
Ndalo: "They're not outside people. They'll be part of this whether you like it or not."
Mthoko: "Aveniy'thanda i-drama nina." He said to Sthe and Mnqobi.
Khaya: "Anyways, let's get down to business."
Ndalo: "Vogue has issued a seating roster for the A list celebrities who will be attending the auction." She passed around the roaster. Danger, Ndalo, and Khaya were on the list.
Sthe: "How did you make the list."
Khaya: "I dont know."
Ndalo: "I called in some favors and got us on the list. We will be your eyes and ears during the auction."
Scissors: "Sounds like a plan."
Danger: "Buka ntwana, I'll be seated next to Drake. Ah, Ndaloz, forever wena dawg." He said as he showed Mnqobi, who simply chuckled.
Mnqobi: "You better not ask for an autograph."
Danger: "Relax, I won't. I'll just ask him to make some songs with me." Khaya and Sthe burst into a laugh.
Cobra: "You'll humiliate yourself."
Danger: "Kahle umona wenyoka." We laughed.
Ndalo: "Tomorrow, I'll receive the floor plans of the AL Shindagha Museum so that we can find the weak spots using the CCTV, which I'll leave that to you. Sthe." We nodded in agreement.
Me: "Our next meeting will be tomorrow at 2 pm."
Ndalo: "Any questions?" No one responded.
Ndalo: "Great! Now get the fuck out of my house. I want to sleep."
Mthoko: "You never cease to amaze me, yazi."
Danger: "Udinga uJesu nempama lona." He wasn't wrong.
Me: "Let me leave. My wife is waiting for me."
Thriller: "I wonder how you got a girl like that."
Ndalo: "He probably threatened to kill her family if she didn't agree to be his girlfriend."
Me: "Fokof wena. I used my good looks and my charming skills." Ndalo and her crew laughed hysterically like I said  something funny.
Thriller: "Never put those words on the same line again." Nx. These idiots.
Ndalo: "I should see her."
Mnqobi: "Hayi, stay away from her."
Ndalo: "Haibo, why?"
Sthe: "Nawe uyaz'bona ukuthi unjani." She rolled her eyes.
Danger: "You should get a hobby, yazi. Iphi indoda yakho, or are you that type who hits and passes?" We laughed hysterically while Ndalo gave him a middle finger.
Ndalo: "Fokof wena, I do have a hobby."
Me: "That involves killing people." Ndalo smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
Ndalo: "It's what I do best."
Danger: "You need Jesus ."
Sthe: "No, she needs something more powerful. Like Pastor Bushiri's prayers."
The guys chuckled.
Danger: "Hayi bafo, udinga is'washo saGog' Maweni." We laughed. Ndalo shook her head.
Ndalo: "Do you guys ever shut up?"
Danger/Sthe: "Fuck no!"
Danger: "Im hungry. Ndalo, did you cook?"
Ndalo: "Do I look like your chef?"
Khaya: "It's fine. We'll find our way to the kitchen. "
Ndalo: "Fuck no. Stay away from my wings." Khaya, Danger, Sthe, and Mnqobi looked at each other, then got up and ran to the kitchen
Ndalo: "Fuck!" She stood and ran after then.
Thriller: "Are they always like this?"
Me: "Who?"
Scissors: "Mnqobi, Sthe, Danger and Khaya." I chuckled.
Mthoko: "Yes. Get used to it." He stood up and walked away. Then I stood up and looked at them.
Me: "Welcome to the family." Then I went to the kitchen.



hey loves❤️
Should I add more of Phiwo's pov???

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