chapter 14

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Two days have passed and I was getting ready for tonight's mission - stealing the container that had the cocaine in it. I was loading my guns with bullets and tranquilizers while the rest of the crew was loading our equipment in the cars. I walked out and went to my motorbike. Me and Cobra rode our bikes to the harbour while the others drove in their cars. We arrived at the harbour and already, there were gangs fighting and bullets flying. We hid behind other containers and waited for them to kill each other so that we could snatch the crates because there's no way we were going to get involved in that shit. After 30 minutes or so, there were loud gunshots and the gangs that were fighting were all dead. I lifted my head a bit and i saw the notorious Dragons. They jumped over the dead bodies and carried the crates out of the container. I looked at my crew besides me and I signalled to them to come out. They jumped out of the containers and we surrounded them while pointing tranquilizers at them.

Man1:"If you bitches still want to live, you will get out of our way". The first man said, looking furious. I chuckled and looked at him.

Me:"Well you better put those crates down and fuck off if YOU want to live".
They looked at me amusingly since they saw that i was a woman. I loved it when people especially men underestimate me. Its the greatest feeling ever.
The Dragons saw that we were not willing to back down so they also pointed the guns at us. I quickly shot the 2 identical shitheads in the leg and arm and the other 2 started changing. They grew hair all over their bodies, they had long sharp canines and claws and they stood in front of the wounded shitheads. I took a look at my crew and some of them looked terrified even Thriller looked like he wanted to pass out, while i gave a bored look. Its not like i was seeing shit like that for the first time. They were breathing hard and heavily while looking at us with their orange eyes and their veins showing on their arms. Horror movie shit im telling you. The distinctive sound of the police sirens was getting louder and these fucks were looking at us while smirking. The beasts charged at us and i quickly shot them with tranquilizers and they fell to the ground. I shot the others and they also fell to the ground. I walked towards them and picked up one of the crates then i looked them.

Me:"You know, i love it when people underestimate me. You know why? Because i get to prove them wrong". I smirked and they looked at me while lying on the floor but they couldn't do anything since they were paralyzed from the tranquilizers. I signalled to the crew and they walked closer and took the crates and loaded them onto the cars.

Man1:"We will find you and kill you and everything and everyone related to you bitch".

Man2:"You will regret messing with us, msunu". I laughed then i got on my bike.

Me:"Well boys, its been fun and good luck with your search". I said with a smirk then we drove off before the police came. We rode our bikes while the other cars followed us back to my place. We arrived at my house and i immediately activated the underground parking which was connected to the "basement". We drove inside and parked the cars Thriller came out of the car whistling.

Thriller: "Ahh bozza wami, wena obashiya beleli phansi banganyakazi, guluvakazi wami, inja yegame, madlabantu, Ronda Rousey, die hard, James Bond waseMzansi, phunyuka bemphethe, wena Debbie Ocean (from Ocean's 8). Hhayi, i salute you Tigress". The others laughed at his stupidity while i just chuckled.

Cobra:" Ai, that was a good one boss". They all nodded in agreement.


Them: " THE FUCKEN PRIDE!". They chanted then they whistled in celebration. We offloaded the crates and placed them on the table. We opened them and took out the bricks of cocaine. Thriller whistled at the amount of cocaine that was on the table.

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