chapter 38

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I felt a gentle hand shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and it was the housekeeper who I didn't know her name. She was coloured and looked like she was in her mid-40s or 50s, so it felt appropriate to call her 'mah'.

Her: "Mr Zungu has asked you to come down for dinner." I sighed.
Me: "Tell him I don't want to, and I'm not hungry. " I said in a sleepy tone. She looked worried but gave me a smile and walked out. I knew that he might barge in, so I quickly stood up and locked the door. I walked back to bed and threw myself on the bed, and within seconds, I fell asleep again. Again, I was woken up by a loud banging on the door and shouting.
Danger: "Phiwokuhle, vula lomnyango." I groaned in annoyance.
Me: "I said I'm not hungry." I shouted back.
Danger: "Do you think i give two shits about that? Don't make me angry." I rolled my eyes and rolled out of bed to open the door. When i opened the door, he marched in and took the keys out of my hand. Then he looked at me.
Danger: "Im giving you 5 minutes to get your sexy ass downstairs. Dont keep me waiting." Then he walked away, leaving me feeling a type of way. Did I mention that this man is hot, I mean gorgeous?? I walked back and wore my fluffy slippers and followed this man downstairs. I walked to the third chair that was away from him and sat down.
Danger: "Sondela." He commanded without looking at me. He was busy typing on his laptop. I stood up again and sat closer to him. I took my plate that was in front of me and dished up the mash, lamb chops, and broccolini that was dished up so nicely for us by the housekeeper. I said silent prayer and began eating. I found Sphe staring at me while I was eating.
Me: "What?"
Danger: "Why are you eating without me?"
Me: "There's the food, nje?" He closed his laptop and placed it on the side.
Danger: "But you didn't dish up for me." I kept quiet as I didn't know how to react to that statement. For a gorgeous man, he sure knows how to act like a baby. An intimidating baby. I shrugged my shoulders and carried on eating. We ate in silence with him, looking at me occasionally. Once we were done, I took the plates to the kitchen. I placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and walked out of the kitchen. I went to my room and threw myself back on the bed. I grabbed my phone and texted Khwezi.

Me: "Hey friend, I'm sorry for shouting at you like that. I understand that you're worried about me, and I appreciate it. Love you so much.💓

I placed my phone back on the side table and then stared at the ceiling. After a few minutes, my phone rang, and it was my mom. And just like that, I knew that this wouldn't end well. I released a heavy sigh before I answered it.

Me: "Hello."
Mom: "Yah wena ngane, why don't you answer my messages?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
Me: "Unjani mah?"
Mom: "Ungazong'dakelwa mina. Ungangibuzi lomshangano wena. Iphi imali yami?"
Me: "I dont have it right now, but.."
Mom: "Ang'zwanga? Ungangihlanyeli wePhiwokuhle. Where did you think I'm going to get the money to pay for rent and buy groceries, if you dont send me money?"
Me: "Mah, I'll send you money when I find a job."
Mom: "Hebana! You don't have a job? You'll always remind me how useless you are." This is why our relationship isn't healthy. When she called me, it was usually about money and me buying her stuff, which got worse why I started working at Zungu&son with Khwezi.
Me: "Kodwa mah.."
Mom: "Kodwa ini? This is why your father left me, you piece of useless shit. You'll always be a curse in my life, and I should have aborted you, like I did with your brother. Maybe your father wouldn't have left me." Tears rolled down my face as I continued listening to her throwing insults at me. I should be used to this, but here i was, feeling like it was the first time she had said this to me. I silently cried as she continued until I felt my phone being snatched out of my hand. Sphe had thrown it on the floor, causing the screen to shatter. He then pulled me towards his chest and hugged me while I cried.

Yeah, neh?


I parked my car next to Mthoko's grey G wagon and walked inside the building. I decided to go visit Manqoba at his office, but to my surprise, the others were there except for Danger as I didn't see his car at the parking. I walked past the reception, who immediately stopped me when I was about to reach the elevator.

Her: "Ma'am." She called out. I rolled my eyes and turned around, looking at her in absolute boredom.
Me: "Yah?"
Her: "Do you have an appointment with Mr Zungu?"
Me: "An appointment for what?"
Her: "To see Mr Zungu. He has a meeting with his brothers and has asked for no one to disturb him." I took out my phone and dialed Manqoba. As soon as he answered, I put the call on loudspeaker.
Manqoba: "Lil sis."
Me: "Im here with your bitch. Tell her I don't need a fucken appointment to see you." Her eyes grew wider and she swallowed her spit.
Manqoba: "Let her through."
Her: "Y..yes..s s..sir." I ended the call and went to the elevator. I got to the last floor and walked in the office. I found Mthoko, Khaya, Sthe, Mnqobi, and surprisingly, Thriller and Scissors were there too. They were talking, laughing here and there and drinking whiskey.

Thriller: "What's up with you and the receptionist?"
Me: "Nothing. She's just annoying." I sat down.
Me: "And since when are you two friends with them?" I said, looking at Thriller and Scissors.
Scissors: "It turns out that these fuckers can be nice."
Khaya: "Who are you calling a fucker?"
Scissors: "Nevermind, i spoke too soon." Thriller chuckled.
Me: "Where's Danger?"
Manqoba: "He said he won't make it today."
Me: Tell him he's off the hook for today, but this is the last time. We can't afford to waste more time."
Thriller: "So, any updates?"
Mthoko: "The diamond will be transported to Dubai on the 25th of November. So, it should arrive on a Friday."
Sthe: "That's good. So.." His phone rang, and he answered it.
Sthe: "Yah."
Sthe: "You called me to ask me that shit?"
Sthe: "The deal was I call you, not the other way around."
Sthe: "I'll see you later. Sho." And he hanged up.
Mnqobi: "Manje?"
Sthe: "Ayy bafo, lesfebe sicabanga ukuthi siyajola, nx."
Khaya: "Ubani? UThando?"
Sthe: "No man, uCandice."
Me: "That's sounds like a white person's name."
Sthe: "That's because she is white."
Scissors: "You fuck white women?"
Sthe: "All races, idiot."
Me: "Uyahlanya wena."
Sthe: "Well, I like doing crazy shit." He said while smirking.
Me: "I hope you get someone's daughter pregnant."
Sthe: "Nah, I'm too careful."
Manqoba: "Ok, the meeting has ended. Get out."
Me: "What a bad host."
Manqoba: "Whatever. Pumani bo."
Thriller: "Asshole."
Manqoba:"Thank you. Now leave." We stood up and left him there.
Sthe: "Second location?" He asked when we reached the parking.
Mnqobi: "I say we go to Ndalo's. "
Me: "Fuck, no."
Sthe: "I dont think ubafo was asking. See you guys there." He said as he got in his car and drove away. The others shrugged and followed Sthe with their cars, leaving me there. Mxm.


Heyy my loves❤️

I hope everyone had a good Christmas day and New years with their loved ones. December was hectic for me so I couldn't continue writing more chapters. I do appreciate people commenting and messaging me regarding my absence as it shows that there are people loving and engaging with my book. Please bare with me as I sometimes do struggle to write more chapters due to a lack of motivation or tiredness😩  however, I promise to finish this book so that I can also finish my other book.

Thank you for the support and may God bless yall abundantly.

Enhle ❤️

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