chapter 10

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An iPhone ringtone woke me up, and i realized that it was my phone. I answered it without checking who's the caller was.

Me:"Hello." I murmured in a sleepy tone.

Phiwo:" BITCH, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU??!!". Shit, it's Phiwo and telling from her tone, she was furious.

Me:" Umm...friend..umm..".

Phiwo:"Dont umm me. I was waiting for your call all night but you didn't call me after you left with the handsome asshole".

Me:"Im sorry friend. How about lunch at Tasha's later on".

Phiwo:" Mxm, you're paying". And she hanged up. I turned around and Manqoba was still asleep. I examined his face and damn this man is gorgeous with his thick, bushy eyebrows, thick juicy lips and his flawless skin. It shows that he takes care of himself and that's attractive but its a pity he's into someone else.

Manqoba :" A picture lasts longer, you know". He said while his eyes were still closed.

Me:"I wasn't staring". I said defensively. He opened his eyes and greeted me with those hazel eyes, staring at me.

Manqoba:"I didn't say you were". I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face then brushed my teeth with the extra toothbrush I saw on the cupboard. I got in the shower and used the shower gels that i saw. When i was done, I walked back to the room and he was fast asleep.

Me:"Manqoba, vuka". I said, shaking him vigorously. He murmured a little and turned, facing the opposite side. Mxm. I shaked him more but still, he didn't wake up. I gave him hot slap and he was up immediately. I laughed at him.

Manqoba:"THE FUCK?!! What was that for?".

Me:"You weren't waking up nje". I said laughing and he gave me a deadly stare before getting out of bed.

Manqoba:"Mxm". He said as he walked to the bathroom to do his hygiene process. I stood up and made the bed then picked up the clothes that were on the floor and placed them nicely on the bed. I walked to the closet and there were a few clothes and shoes. I wore his grey Nike shorts and a white vest, and i must say, i looked pretty cute in his clothes. I walked out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen. I decided to make eggs, fried bacon and mushrooms, toast, pork sausages and freshly squeezed orange juice. While i was frying the bacon, strong arms wrapped around my waist and i could tell that he was done showering as the fresh scent of shower gel lingered around the kitchen.

Manqoba:"Mm..I could get used to this".

Me:"Well don't. Please set the table for me".

Manqoba:"Yes ma'am". And he unwrapped his arms from my waist and went to set the table. He took all the plate with the food and placed them nicely on table. I brought the orange juice and sat down, then we started dishing up the food and immediately he started eating.

Me:" Manqoba". He looked at me.

Manqoba:"Yes?". He said while taking a bite of his sausage
Me:" Can we pray first?". He looked at me for a short while.

Manqoba:"Umm..sure". He put down the sausage and we pressed our hands together.

Me: "Dear heavenly father. We call upon you to blessed this day you have given us and bless this food. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen".

Manqoba:" Amen". And we ate in pure silence.

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