chapter 40

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*6 months later*


After months of endless planning and intense training, the day was finally here. The Zungus and The Pride arrived in Dubai two days ago, after leaving their loved ones back in South Africa in a secret location. Khwezi and Anathi (Mthoko's wife) weren't pleased with the idea of not having outside contact with the rest of the world, whereas Phiwo was ok with that as Danger had briefed her with what was going on. Speaking of Phiwo; during these months, Phiwo has been attending therapy and has been doing good mentally. The connection and chemistry between her and Danger have been growing fast to a point where they would kiss occasionally. Khwezi and Manqoba's relationship has been growing stronger than ever. She has been glowing, which Phiwo has been teasing her about, saying it's the sex glow😏.

The Zungus and The Pride settled in their Villa, which was near the desert, and started to offload guns, tech gadgets, etc. that will be needed during the heist. Ndalo went over the plan for the last time with the crew to ensure that no mistakes should happen on the day.

The next day, the tailors delivered everyone's black formal suit and Ndalo's white pant suit. Danger, Mnqobi, Baba,  and Richard checked in a hotel that was near the museum and got dressed in their formal wear while the others geared up back at the villa.

This was the plan:

Danger, Mnqobi, Baba, and Richard were going to attend the auction as buyers. Khaya was going to be a waiter, who kept his eyes and ears open at the back. Mthoko and Manqoba were hired (thanks to Ndalo) by the museum to be part of the security team and to keep an eye on the diamonds that were going to be auctioned off. Cobra was attending the auction as a photographer/journalist. Scissors and Sthe were stationed in a secret room in the museum where they got a hold off the museum's CCTV and the system controls. And Ndalo? Well, she had a mission of her own with her right-hand man, Thriller.

Sthe: "Ear buds are on. Checking sound. Beast?"
Baba: "Check."
Sthe: "Soul Collecter?"
Richard: "Check."
Sthe: "Ruthless?"
Mthoko: "Check."
Sthe: "Axe?"
Khaya: "Check."
Sthe: "Ghost?"
Manqoba: "Check."
Sthe: "Bullet?"
Mnqobi: "Check."
Thriller: "Your underground names are cringe." The Pride chuckled.
The Zungus: "Fuck you."
Sthe: "This is not the time. Danger?"
Danger: "Yebo yess."
Sthe: "Thriller?"
Thriller: "I can hear your fucken voice." Ndalo chuckled.
Sthe: "Fuck you. Scissors and Cobra?"
Scissors/Cobra: "Check."
Sthe: "Tigress?" Ndalo smirked.
Ndalo: "Check."
Sthe: "That's everyone. Our 45 minutes starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. It's go time.

Guests started to enter the museum. High-end celebrities such as musicians, influencers, models, and even extremely important ministers were there, carring briefcases of money. Danger, Mnqobi, Richard, and Baba tried to blend in with the crowd by mingling with the guests. Mnqobi gave his twin a nod when he saw him standing by the doors alongside Mthoko, who looked serious in the full back suits.

*Cling, Cling, Cling* A man wearing a red velvet suit gentle tapped his champagne glass with a butter knife to get everyone's attention.
Man: "Ladies and gentlemen, the auction will commence in 20 minutes. Do enjoy the delicious finger foods and beverages prepared by our chefs. Thank you." The waiters and waitresses walked in, carrying black trays of food and champagne glasses. Among those waiters was Khaya. Richard took a glass of whiskey from Khaya's tray and gave him a nod. After 20 minutes from moving to person to person, the man came back on stage and asked everyone to take their seats. Danger, Mnqobi, Baba, and Richard sat away from each other (which was part of Ndalo's plan) to avoid raising suspension when the heist is over and the cops are investigating. The guards removed the cloths that covered the diamonds and gems in forms of necklaces, earings, rings, etc, causing the crowd to make noise in amaze and admiration. The autioneer then walked over to the podium and adjusted the mic before bringing his face close to it.

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