chapter 6

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We arrived at the club and it was so full, even getting a parking space was a bit difficult but we got one. We walked in, and all eyes were on us. Some were full of lust, and others were just jealous mxm. We found a space in the VIP area and ordered champagne.

Me: "Wow! This place is beautiful for a club. "

Phiwo: "Yeah, even this champagne is going down nicely." We laughed, and a waiter came with 2 bottles of Moët to our table.

Waiter:" Um.. ladies, those 2 men said this is for you." Haibo, mind you, those men looked so old with their beer bellies and gold tooth. Bloody perverts.

Phiwo:" No thank you, you can take it back to them." And he walked back to them. A few seconds later, they walked towards our table.

Man1: "Aw mabebeza, why did you decline the champagne, phela we wanted to spoil you beautiful ladies."

Man2:" Yeah, phela women like you should be handled with care and treated like queens which we intend to do." And he said that while looking at my thighs. Nx.

Phiwo:"Ai Fokof, who said we wanted your treats? Do we look like hoes or prostitutes who sleep with old men with beer bellies. Hayi vosek nina, NXA". Yoh and she was fuming.

Me:"Please leave us alone tu".

Man1:" Haw baby girl, we just want to..".

Phiwo:"Ngithe Fokof wenja".

Man2:"But love..".
Phiwo: "FOKOF NXA!!!!". And she shouted, getting everyone's attention. The bouncers came to our table to check if we were ok.

Me:" No, we're not ok. These men don't want to leave us alone. " And the bouncer told them to leave, and they did.

Phiwo: "Yoh chomie, people can be so annoying shame."

Me:" Yazi nje, nx". We carried on drinking our drinks, listening to Umlando.



After 2 hours, i decided to get ready since we were going to club Zero. I wore a black turtleneck with black Levi jeans. I paired that with my Louis Vuitton belt, Rolex watch, my white air force 1 and a diamond chain. I looked at the mirror and DAMN i looked like fire - as always;). It took my keys and to Danger's place, picked him up and we drove together to the club. We finally arrived and it was so full but we made a plan and parked the car. We waited for the others so we can go in together and in about 5 minutes, they were here. As soon as we walked in, everyone and i mean EVERYONE stopped what they were doing and stared at us, well i wasn't shock coz we, the Zungu brothers, are HOT like that. We went to the VIP section where Sthe had booked a table for us. We sat down and ordered our drinks then vibed to the music that was playing. This place is such a vibe.

After an hour of drinking and vibing with my brothers, i decided to go to the bathroom because i needed to pee. The bathrooms of this place are actually clean and hygienic so i did my business and walked out. On my way out, i heard voices - one of a man and the other was a woman so i checked it out.

Woman: *irritated* "Can you leave me alone man, my friend is waiting for me".

Man: "Hawu sweetheart, i thought we were having fun mos? What's the rush?".
Woman:"Fun with who? Ungang'dakelwa mina nx". As she turned to walk away, he immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.

Man:" Where do you think you're going sweetheart?". Wait, that's the girl (well, the bitch) who bumped into me. DAMN, she's gorgeous.

Me: "I think she made it clear that she wants to go. Leave her arm".

Man:"And then? You are disturbing us, vaya!". I immediately took out my gun and pointed it at him and he let go off her arm. Nx pussy.

Man: "Ah joe, please man dont shoot"

Me: "Then you better leave and if i see you harassing her again, i will end your whole generation nx, vaya". And he literally ran out.

Me:"Ah once again, we meet".

Khwezi:"I didnt ask for your help so leave me tu".

Me:"You know, some people would say...i don't know..Thank you?".

Khwezi:"Well I'm not those people, move out of my way". Yoh, some parents didn't teach their kids manners, nx.

Me:"You ungrateful bitc..". PHAA!!! The Fuck? Did this bitch slap me? Me? Ghost? Someone wants to die today. I gave her a deadly stare.

Khwezi:"Listen here, im not a bitch and I've never been one. Don't fuck with me NXA!". And she left . Let me calm down before i kill someone. I walked back to the guys and Danger was telling them a story.

Khaya:"Wait, so you telling us that she found you fucking her best friend and she wanted to join?". Haibo.

Danger:" Im telling you bafo, that girl is a rare case shame but i couldn't say no to free pussy so we had a threesome". They laughed.
Mthoko:" Wena pussy is going to kill you one day".

Danger:"Me? Never! And then wena? Why you looking all grumpy?".

Me:" Um..just a little altercation in bathroom". I said that and drank my whiskey. Sigh, this is going to be a long night.

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