Chapter 29

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One down! Another one down!

The guards dropped dead as Ndalo, her crew, and the brothers shot silencely at the guards. They moved discretely, hid behind walls, and shot the guards directly at their heads. No sound was made as they used hand signals to communicate with each other. When all the guards were dead, they dropped their silencers and stood behind the doors.

Ndalo: "On my count, we will barge in and shoot to kill. Understood?"
Danger: "Slow your roll, Ndaloz. Why must we follow your orders as if you're our leader?" The brothers hated that hate that Ndalo took control and came up with the best plans. But unfortunately for them, they had to follow her orders.
Ndalo: "Ok then, Danger, what must we do?" She said in annoyance. She hated it when the brothers challenged her. She wasn't used to being questioned all the time, so she was irritated by them. There were too many bulls in this kraal. A clash of the alphas, and who would be alpha male.

Danger: "Umm...on my count, we will go in there and shoot to kill." Ndalo rolled her eyes.
Cobra: "She just said that." Danger ignored him and started to count. They got into position, with their guns ready to release bullets.
Danger: "1...2..-" Ndalo interrupted him.
Ndalo: "3." And she opened the door and went in. The rest followed with their guns held high. One of the guards who was on patrol duty saw them and called for a code RED. And just like that, they were all surrounded by over 30 guards.

Guard: "Put your weapons down!" More guards came and pointed their guns at them.
Danger: "What if I don't want to?"
Sthe: "FOKOF MAN! Why uthetha?"
Guard: "Im not going to repeat myself."
Screws: "Then dont." The guard was irritated by the fact that the intruders were not surrendering to his orders, so he decided to give them one last chance to drop their weapons and surrender by counting up to 3.
Guard: "1..." The brothers looked at each other and smirked. Finally, the time Sthe was waiting for was coming as all we wanted to do was to drop his gun and let his claws do the talking.
Guard: "2..3-."
Mthoko: "NOW!" And the brothers dropped their guns and transformed into their beast. Their eyes had changed into a yellow-orange color, and the canines grew longer and sharper, including their claws. They grew taller and and their muscles grew bigger, which ripped their shirts into shreds. Some of the guards fainted a while they saw these heavily breathing beast like monsters standing in front of them with spit drooling from their mouths. Sthe charged at the guard, ripped his heart and intestines out of his body, and then dismembered his head. More guards fainted, and some threw up as the guards head rolled towards them. Including the Commander's guys.

Thriller: "Aren't you going to transform?" He whispered to Ndalo, who had a smug look.
Ndalo: "Nah. Let them take care of the guards. What we need to do is to find that son of a bitch." Thriller nodded.

The rest of the guards fired at the beasts, but that didn't last long as the beasts were ripping hearts and heads from bodies. Ndalo and Thriller left everyone and went to the basement in search for Antonio.


Meanwhile, Antonio and his right hand man, Carlos, walked into the room where Khwezi and Elihle were. He was taken by Khwezi's beauty and her attitude. He even wanted to make her his wife after he had killed the Zungus. He licked his lips and walked towards her. Khwezi knew that Antonio wanted her and hated the fact that he was going to rape her one way or another. She slowly moved back with Elihle clinging onto her until they reached the wall.

Antonio: "Carlos, sostenme este(Carlos, hold this one for me)." He was referring to Elihle, who started to cry.
Carlos: "¿Qué debo hacer con ella?(What should I do with her?)" He reached her and kissed Khwezi's neck slowly.
Antonio: "Ve a divertirte (Go have fun.)" Carlos smirked and dragged a wailing Elihle to the corner of the room. Carlos slapped her, and she fell down and twisted her ankle. He got on top of her and tried to take off her clothes. Antonio did the same, but Khwezi was fighting him. Both of the ladies were screaming for help while kicking the men that were on top of them. Antonio had managed to take off Khwezi's top, leaving her with her bra, and Carlos had removed Elihle's  pants.
Antonio: "Let's see what you taste like, mamasita." He said as he had grabbed Khwezi's breast with his hand. Tears ran down her face as she lost hope of Manqoba finding her and Elihle...

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