chapter 25

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2 weeks later

The news of Xolani's passing was public. Thriller did a great job by planting that bomb under his car. I thought Antonio would come out of his hiding place, but he didn't. I guess that fucker only cared about himself. I was seated with the assholes in Manqoba's office. We still haven't found Antonio's hiding place, but one thing I know is that wherever he is, he is planning our downfall.

Manqoba: "Kahle kahle, why are we meeting in my office?"
Mnqobi: "Because your office is nice."
Danger: "Don't forget the ladies, bafo." And the fist bumped in agreement.
Danger: "But the next meeting will be at your place." I looked at this idiot as he was referring to me.
Me: "Uyanya msunu."
Mnqobi: "Nawe wenja."
Me: "And who was talking to you, you piece of shit?"
Danger: "Don't talk to him like that, wena sfebe."
Me: "Unyoko isfebe, nx."
Mnqobi: "Uthini?" He stood up, followed by Danger, and I stood up too.
Mthoko: AYY FOKOF NINA! This is not the time or place. Now sit your ass down before I make you, nx." And we sat down while giving each other a dead stare. Fuck, I hate these assholes. They are always pushing my buttons and provoking me.
Manqoba: "We need to focus on finding Antonio, not this shit you guys are doing. Sthe, have you found anything?"
Sthe: "Still nothing." This might be harder than I thought. If im hired to find and kill someone, I'm able to do it within 3 days. But this time, it's taking weeks. They carried on talking on something else until I noticed two small red dots on Danger and Manqoba's forehead, and I knew where those dots were coming from. A sniper.

Me: "Listen up, you pieces of shit, I want you to go down on the floor when I count up to 3." They looked at me in confusion.
Sthe: "Usukhuluma ngani wena?"
Me: "There are 2 red dots on Manqoba and Danger's forehead. Don't stay still and the rest of you, pretend not to notice them." They looked at their foreheads and realized that they were under attack, but they kept it cool.
Me: "On the count of 3, you will go down. 1....2...3.. NOW!" We got down, and bullets pierced the windows as soon as we touched the floor." Loud screams and bullets filled the building. Manqoba crawled to his safe , took out some guns, and then passed one to each of us.
Mthoko: "We will start shooting on 3. 1...2...3, NOW!" And we aimed our guns  in the direction where the bullets we were coming from and started to shoot until we were out of bullets. We stayed on the floor for a couple of minutes until we heard the police and the ambulance's siren.

Mnqobi: "Look." He said as he pointed at the little drone that had a piece of paper attached to it that read:

Greetings dear friends.

You know, today I  woke up feeling like being a generous man. So I decided to gift you with my finest bullets ever. I hope you enjoy that gift because there's more to come. And since I gave you a beautiful gift, it's only fair that I "accept" one from you. Watch the video to find out


The letter was accompanied by a little blue USB. Sthe took it and played it on his laptop. It was a video of 2 women who were tied up to a metal chair and were crying for help. Antonio appeared on the screen and stood between them. The brothers were shocked, and judging from their reactions, they knew who those women were, while I couldn't care less.

Antonio: "Say hi to the camera, ladies." Tears flowed down their faces as they looked at the camera. I only knew the sister since I was the one who shot her.
Antonio: "I must say, your sister is a pretty one. She'll make me a lot of money on the market, but this one, she's a feisty one... Mmm.. I might keep her for myself, right Ghost?" (Ghost is Manqoba's mafia name). The video ended, and the brothers went crazy.

Manqoba: "Im going to kill that bastard, fuck!" And he punched the wall.
Mnqobi: "Nqoba, your eyes are turning red. You need to calm down." His eyes were bloodshot red, and he was breathing heavily.
Manqoba: "DON'T FUCKEN TELL ME TO CALM DOWN MNQOBI! THAT PIECE OF SHIT HAS OUR SISTER AND MY GIRLFRIEND! UNGAZONG'HLANYELA WENA!" Ohhh, so that was his girlfriend? Interesting. Mthoko walked up to him and gave him a hard slap.
Mthoko: "Calm your beast down. We need a solid plan that will get them back, so pull yourself together." He nodded and then sat down on the floor.
Me: "What we need to do is to go downstairs and look at the damage. If we stay here, the police will ask questions." They agreed. Danger took the guns and hid and hid them, then we walked out and went to the elevator. When we reached the ground floor, there were paramedics helping people and dead bodies that were covered with foil. Khaya's phone rang, and it was their father. While he answered the call, we were addressing the media until Khaya came to us.

Khaya: "We have to go. Baba wants us at the compound immediately." We went to the underground parking to avoid the media, and we drove to the compound. I received a call from Thriller.

Me: "Thriller."
Thriller: "Bozza, I saw the news. Do you know who it was?"
Me: "Antonio is back, and he wants revenge on me and the Zungu shits." He chuckled.
Me: "Tell the gang to meet me at the compound. I'll send you the location."
Thriller: "Sho sho." And he hanged up. Now, it's time to take matters onto my own hands. It's time for the PRIDE to step in because clearly Zungus aren't capable of finding that bastard.

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