Chapter 9

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Chapter 9.
I don't know why everybody in here acting like they ain't never seen a hot white guy before. I mean the way Sibahle's friends are gagging up on my man. No, no I mean Jason is actually embarrassing and annoying. I thanked God when I was done with all of this stupid fitting I was doing so I could grab Jason out of here. I took my handbag and walked over to Jason who looked annoyed by whatever these skanks were saying to him. I slid my arm on Jason's arm and he quickly moved his eyes to see who just touched him but when he saw it was me,his face relaxed and a smile came on his face. I wonder if him and I were to have kids would they have his beautiful dimples.

"You're staring?" He chuckled which made shy away from him. I just thought of kids with this guy and him and I weren't even dating. Oh my God. Bring King Shaka Zulu down to earth so he can just massacre my ass because why would I be willing to put myself out there for another guy when I was still scarred like this by my previous relationship.

"You're zoning out." He laughed nudging me playfully. "Uhm I think we should leave now."

"Why? We were still getting to know your friend." That was Nothile,she even brushed Jason's arm and he didn't flinch away from her touch or at least say something, nope. He clearly was just another Vusi.

"Ain't you going to say goodbye to your friends?" He asked,his face was now expressionless. "They're not my friends but clearly they have become yours." I walked away from him right after I displayed my jealousy. Why do I even care if Nothile is touching him? Me and him are not even dating, what even worse was that I didn't even have any sort of romantic feelings for him so why am I mad?

"Whoa,whoa." He pulled me towards him making me sigh tiredly. "What was that about?" He asked like he didn't see what just happened. I didn't fuckin bring him over here for him to fuckin find a black girl to fuck. I asked him to come because I needed some comfort person but clearly I should have just asked my friends to come instead of him.

"Did I do something wrong?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and my knees weakened instantly because why would he hug me from behind and not only that,why would he bury his face on my neck. "What did I do?" He asked and this time he placed a kiss on my neck and just like that I lost my balance but he made sure I didn't hit the floor. "I'm sorry." He sucked on my neck and just like that everything disappeared and it was now just me and him in this room. I closed my eyes enjoying his lips on my neck. His grip tightened on my waist. I bit on my bottom lip as my hand travelled to his hair and I found myself playing with his curls.

His hands moved up to my breast and he grabbed on them and that's how a moan left my mouth. I could feel my whole react to his touch. I wanted more. I quickly turned around and smashed my lips on his and he returned the same passion. He pulled me much tigheter to him to a point that even air wouldn't be able to pass between us.

"Ayi mani get a room you guys!" I heard voices call out and that how I came back to reality and the moment I realised how I just allowed myself to get lost in his touch and I let him feel up on me infront of them now they are probably going to think I did this to spite them.

"I have to go." I didn't even wait for his response but I rushed out of here with my thoughts running wild. What the hell was I doing? Why am I doing this to myself? Why can't I learn?

"Nokwanda would you stop please?" He called out for me and that's when I realised he was following after me. "Why did you kiss me and why kiss me like that infront of them?"

I stopped walking and turned to him. "Why would you kiss me like that infront of him Jason? Why would you make it seem like I have moved on from him when my heart calls out his name day and night!" The tears filled my eyes instantly and I saw his face take in some sadness as well like he could feel what I was feeling. Why is he sad? I am the broken one. I am the one who was discarded like some spoiled meat. I am the one who won't get her happily ever after. I am the broken girl.

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