Chapter 49

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Chapter 49.


I had the radio playing loudly in here as I threw up everything that I just had for breakfast in  toilet, I was sweating and felt like somebody kept on punching me on my stomach and not lightly. Kwah was out running around with my mum and her friends as they prepared for our wedding which was in less than a week and the only reason I was even playing the music this loud was for my friends to not hear as I puked my lungs out. I was just tired of everybody waiting for me to deteriorate in front of them so that's why I continued acting like I was okay even though I could feel myself get weaker with each day that passed.

My surgery was in few weeks and the doctors kept selling me false dreams about how we can conquer this but I knew that was nothing by just some dream that was never ever going to come true. I could feel it in my spirit. I have already lost.

There was a loud knock on the bathroom and an excited voice shortly came on. "Jason you should come and see this bruh. Come on what you even doing in there playing the radio so loud?" His voice sounded happy about whatever it was that he wanted to show me. I slowly got up and flushed the toilet before I walked over to the sink and I rinsed my mouth and checked if I looked decent enough for me to open the door.

I walked over to the door and opened up and his happily looking self stared at me forcing me to fake the same enthusiasm on my face. "What up?" I asked as I walked out and he got out of my way. "Why do you guys have a radio in the toilet?" He asked curiously now following me since I lead the way back to the lounge where Greg was probably sitting bored.

"Kwah likes listening to the radio when she takes a shit." I said with a light laugh which he joined. "I did say she was weird from the moment I met her."

"That she is." I nodded in agreement. The moment we got in the lounge I found my brother and this man had brought strippers with him and the shock written on my face must have been amusing cause they all really began laughing. "We thought we surprised you before you decide to elope again." My brother said with a cheeky smile and I saw the girls smolder at me. I swear they did smolder, I didn't imagine that.

"He is the groom!" He yelled that in excitement and right on cue some rnb song came on as these girls darted towards me and I stood frozen, Mainly because these girls were freaking dazzling hot and yes the man in me drooled over them but the moment they pushed me down on the couch and one of them sat on my lap and began humping on me, I knew Kwah would kill me if she saw this. "Kwah is going to kill all of us!" I tried to push them off me but instead of me succeeding I ended up handcuffed and yes they really began stripping. One was even rubbing their titties on my face and my friends and my brother cheered as they threw money at them and it seemed to please these girls.

At first I kept on trying to stop them because I knew this would break Kwah's heart but after a few minutes of my voice falling on deaf ears I just ended up taking myself to when I was younger and I enjoyed these kind of things. I was a wild child during my high school years and was even worse in my varsity years so yes I was back to that young man who thought he could take on the world and come out victorious. For a brief moment I wasn't some weakling that waited for his body to fail him and he falls to his death on one unexpected day.
"Wow!" Everybody had tears in their eyes when they saw me stand in this elegant white wedding dress that was covered in butterflies patterns mainly because of how much much Cebo was obsessed with butterflies recently to a point that I also fell in love with them and that's where I got the idea of this lace wedding flowy dress with butterfly patterns and it pleases me that everybody seemed to be amazed with my choices.

"Wow." That was Mrs Botha as she walked over to me, she had her hands covering her mouth. I saw the admiration in her eyes and the amazement as well. God blessed me when he brought this family in my life. "This is amazing and I for one know you don't really have that much sense of fashion." Of course that was Jessica." She also had tears in her tears. It was probably her hormones since she had just announced that she was expecting.

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