Chapter 42.

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The way my heart and soul seemed to be in so much peace had me forgetting how I was still in a whole relationship with Sandile and God knows I have tried to do the whole it's not you but it's me speech on him but I failed miserably everytime because of how much he kept on treating me like a whole queen. This man worshipped the ground I walked on and that is how I failed to break his heart. I couldn't understand whether it was some selfish part of me that refused to let him go because of how he made me feel so good about myself or was it because I also had some love for him or maybe I simply just felt sorry for him. I hated that I had to break his heart but it has been 3 months  since I got back with Jason and soon or later I had to break up with Sandile because I couldn't continue dating two guys at the same time. Not to mention Jason thinks I have long broken up with him but if only he knew we were still in a relationship and that one time we even had sex but we used a condom but I wouldn't dare tell Jason that.

Right now I was having dinner with Jason. Ever since him and I decided to try again, it has been nothing but a blissful time between us and my love for him kept on growing bigger each time I stared into his eyes and my happiness swelled up inside to a point that at times I would find myself crying whenever thoughts of ever losing him visited me.

"You got something on your lips." He moved his hand to the corner of my lips and I thought he was about to fix whatever was on my face with his hand but instead he leaned closer to me and swiped his tongue on my lips earning this huge smile from me before he kissed me so passionately.

"You could have used your hand." I said with this huge smile that wouldn't go away from my lips. "You should have known I was about to bite on your lips. I enjoy kissing you." He smiled back before he pulled me back to him and this time I wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued kissing like we were not in a restuarant full of elite people. It was like we were in our space.

There was a throat clearing causing us to pull away from each other and that's when we realized we had a few eyes looking at us, of course at this point in our relationship we were used to the staring that we usually got wherever we showed up together but this time, people weren't just staring at us because of the whole interracial dating thing we had going on here. We were the ones who grabbed their attention by acting like we were alone in here.

"Mr Botha." The waiter cleared his throat nervously looking at us. "I am sorry but uhm I was wondering if uhm you can keep the view PG 13." This guy spoke so nervously and both me and Jason laughed at him and the scowl we got from the onlookers told us how unpleased some of them were at us.

"Uhm of course." I said with a light laugh. "We're sorry." I apologized and this waiter nodded nervously before he said thank you and left us. The moment he disappeared we began laughing.

"You shouldn't have sat next to me cause dude you are earning us enemies."

"They just wish they were us." He continued eating like the people weren't still giving us dirty looks. *This idiot.*
Later on we went back to his house, The moment we got in here, he dimmed the light setting the mood up for some romantic sex which meant tonight he wanted to make love to me, He began doing something on his radio and this Hindi song came on and I would know it was Hindi cause your girl grew up watching Bollywood movies.

"Hindi song?" I asked as he walked over to stretching his hand out and I gladly took it. He pulled me to him and that's how I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Fell in love with it when I watched this bollywood movie called villain something." He said as his other arm slowly wrapped on my back. "Ek Villain?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. "So you also watch bollywood?" He asked and I did this small giggles. "I grew up watching them and Zoe was obsessed with that movie because of that Sidharth guy." He did a little giggle when I said that.

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