Chapter 21.

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2 months down and still no Jason, no call and no texts and yes I was back to square one of crying and feeling like the world has shunned me once again. I even decided to go on leave because each and every time I was at work I kept hoping and praying he walked in my workplace which never happened. The light in my life had been replaced by total darkness once again. I had failed myself again by allowing Jason to break my heart like he did. I would have went home to clear my head but knowing my mum,she was going to take this opportunity to make sure Vusi got his way so yes I was locked in my apartment as I beiged watched cartoons and drowned in my alcohol and junk food.

My phone rang making me search for it in this dirty lounge of mine. I was living like a pig and I couldn't care less about cleaning up or even seeing the beautiful weather that the summer was presenting to us. I found my phone under my pillow and answered it without checking the caller id.

"Hello." I was already drunk and it wasn't even 12 in the midday. "Why have you been avoiding our calls?" That was Thami but I rolled my eyes. I have been avoiding their calls because I didn't need them judging me for what I was going through.

"What?" I slurred acting like I didn't hear her. "Come on Kwanda,you went on leave without telling us and you never open up when we come to your place. Why are you shutting us out. We just want to be here for you." I swear I rolled my eyes,I didn't need anybody feeling sorry for me. I didn't need anybody. I could do this on my own.

"Nokwanda!" She hollered so I could answer her I guess but instead I just burped. "I am fine, I went home to clear my head." I lied as I took some cheetos and began eating them and right on cue there was a banging sound on my door. I decided to walk over to see who it was because of how loud the banging was. In my head I am thinking it must be the building's caretaker. I did have a problem with my kitchen sink.

I opened up and my eyes fell on Austin who was with Greg. "Did you send your boyfriend here?" I asked Thami over the phone. I saw Austin and Greg give each other these looks that I didn't underated. "Austin is there?" Thami was playing stupid right now.

"I am okay, I don't need you sending your white boyfriend to check up on me!" I hung up on her before I crossed my arms now staring at these two. "What are you two doing here?" I asked. Is it too much that I wished these two could get the hell out of my face. They were a reminder of the pain I was going through. They let their friend play me.

"You two need to leave." I said tiredly, I kept burping and they looked at me completely grossed out.

"You actually have a plane to catch in like two hours." Greg said looking at his watch but I just decided to leave them standing by my door and walked back to my couch but these idiots invited themselves in.

"Does a pig live in here?" I ignored Austin's rude ass as I took a seat on my couch and just carried on watching some cartoons. "I still think Jason wouldn't want to see her like this." Austin spoke to Greg which made me snap my head to them. They mentioned Jason. "Jason?" I asked looking between them and they both nodded. I slowly stood up. "Jason is here?" I asked as my eyes filled with so much tears. I saw them give me sympathetic eyes. "No but we know where he is Kwanda and we want to take you to him." Greg still held on to his sympathetic expression but I shook my head. I may have been drunk but I knew that following Jason was also going to make me much weaker than I was. He was staying away from me for a good reason so imagine how angry he would get if his friends showed up with me without warning him at all.

"He doesn't want me." Yes I began crying as I thought of how he played me and I let him. "He does Kwanda. It's just complicated." Austin seemed like he could feel my pain.

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