Chapter 29

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The dinner went pretty well to a point that Austin got on his knee and actually proposed to Thami and the way we all jumped like Austin was proposing to us was crazy. The happiness that filled our hearts couldn't even be measured. Right now I was clearing up everything with the help of Jason's wife of course,everybody else was still in the long conversing with the newly engaged couple.

I placed the dishes in the sink and just sighed as I thought how much I hated washing dishes. I hated washing my own dishes so imagine when they're this many. I heard a light laugh which made turn around and it was Jason's wife Emma.

"I also hate washing dishes but don't worry,I will help you." She said walking towards with more dirty dishes but I found myself wondering why she was being nice to me. I was pregnant with her husband's child and not only that I almost kissed him a few hours back.

"Thanks." I spoke awkwardly watching her stand next to me before placing the more dirty dishes on the sink. "So are you going to wash or rinse and dry?" She asked with a smile. "I'll rinse and dry cause I know where they all go." I said with this awkward smile and she nodded. "You do have hot water right?" She asked and I nodded and she tied her hair in a back bun before she began washing the dishes. I took a clean dishcloth as I rinsed and dried.

I don't know whether it was my nervousness but I could hear the sounds of the running water from tap so loud and also the clattering sound from the dishes was too evident in my ears. I kept waiting for some gloat from her or some disrespect. I did steal a few looks her way. She was concentrating on what she was doing, she didn't seem to be intimidated by my presence but yet I feel like a loser in her presence which ironically when you think about it I was indeed a loser. She was married to my ex boyfriend who my heart had convinced me that he was the one for me but clearly it was mistaken.

I found my eyes moving to her left fingers and indeed I spotted a huge diamond ring sitting so comfortably on her finger. I cleared my throat which made her look up to me with an inquisitive look.

"Uhm you can take your ring off so that it doesn't wash away with the water." I said before I bit on my bottom lip nervously and she giggled and indeed took it off and placed it on top of my kitchen counter before she continued washing the dishes. Was she the same girl who called me a kafir over the phone?
I mean she looks like a nice woman and is even acting so nice.

"Nokwanda I know you think I probably hate you but I don't. Despite you being pregnant for him but I really don't have a problem with you." Maybe I spoke too soon,there she goes addressing the huge elephant in this room. Both me and her were in love with the same man. At this point I don't even know who came first between me and this woman but Jason couldn't have just went and married a woman he has only known for a few months.

*Well he got you pregnant!*

I swear mentally I rolled my eyes at my mind because it really had no chill pill. "I remember seeing you crying for him when he was sick. I saw the love you have for him and I saw the love that he also possess for you but that is just it Nokwanda. What you and him shared was just a temporary thing. It didn't mean that you were going to end up with him. He has always been my soulmate and same with him." She seemed genuine,she wasn't being mean or bitchy,she was just really ironing things out between us which I think is good considering that we were about to be in each other's life for eternity considering we both share something with one man.

"When Jason and I lost our baby, we felt like the world and God himself had betrayed us, we had been trying for so long and when we finally got pregnant the baby didn't live and yes I blamed him. His job was too demanding at that time so yes I did feel like he was to blame and he also blamed me so we grew apart because we couldn't deal with the pain of our loss by when his brother texted me telling me,he was sick. I flew back to South Africa and seeing him again brought back all the love that grief had buried with our child and I knew I couldn't lose him again." She sniffed and why did I want to cry with her? I shouldn't even feel any compassion towards her. She was married to a man I was too deeply in love with.

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