Chapter 12

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I feel like my whole life has become some musical that was filled with nothing but romantic songs helping me navigate my very new and amazing day. I was someone's girlfriend. A whole white guy at that and he made me feel things that I didn't know were possible. Made actually believe that not all was lost with me.

I wanted to convince my heart and my mind that we shouldn't have agreed on being his girlfriend,that we had nothing to offer him but they both seem to disagree with me. It seemed they both wanted this for us. They wanted him for us.

I shook my head as I walked in this cafe that I was meeting all of my friends for breakfast. I knew Thami had already updated about my relationship status and that's why we were having this little breakfast brunch. I spotted them and made my way to them with a smile on my face.

"Typical of you to be late." Phiwe said looking at her watch but I just blew raspberry at her as I took a seat next to Phiwe. "It is good to see you guys together." I smiled at them but they both raised their eyebrows,they clearly wanted to get straight to business. "What?" I shrugged my shoulders as I took Phiwe's cuppaccino and took a sip of it. "Jason,I mean obviously you knew this meeting was about him."

"Wait this is a meeting?" I asked staring at them individually and these idiot laughed at me. "Well obviously." Zoe rolled her big eyes and I was the one who laughed this time. "Come on guys,don't you guys think it is way too early for y'all to be holding an intervention for me?" I asked this time raising my hand up so I could order myself some cuppaccino and a chocolate muffin.

"Well for starters for the past few months you have been crying for Vusi like crazy." The expression on Zoe's face made me put my hand down because I refuse to believe that I looked that miserable over Vusi. "I had every right to be that miserable. The guy lead me on for 6 years." I defended myself even pushing my weave back before I crossed my arms.

"And we totally understand but for you to jump in a relationship like that?" Phiwe looked concerned but I thought this is what they wanted, for me to move on so why are they trying to convince me that I am making a mistake.

"Wait, Isn't this what you guys wanted?" I was confused. Do they still want me mopping around and crying out for Vusi hoping and praying that he someday comes back to me.

"Is it but we wanted you to have fun first,not just dive in a relationship. What if he hurts you as well and we all know how easy it is for you to fall inlove." Phiwe touched my hand but I pulled it back. I do not fall in love that easy. I haven't been in love with nobody but Vusi for as long as I remember.

"I have only been with Vusi so what does that mean?" I asked getting a little agitated by this intervention. It was way too early for this bullshit on some real shit.

"You fell in love with Vusi cause he took you to a cinema!" Thami groaned like that is not a valid reason for someone to fall inlove. I had never been to a Cinema before so yes I fell in love with him for showing me something new.

"We were just kids."

"And it took 6 years to realise that is not a valid reason for someone to fall in love with someone." Zoe rolled her big ass eyes. They were ganging up on me and I still stand by my last statement. It is a valid reason to fall in love. Thank you very much.

"Haibo nina!" I crossed my arms now staring at them as I flared my nose. Why are they attacking me? I didn't fuckin kill nobody. I simply just got into a relationship with a very handsome brown eyed white guy.

"I mean we get it, Jason is hot." Thami drooled which made me scrunch my face up. Why the fuck she drooling over my man? She fuckin has her own.

"But just don't be rushing anything with him." This time her voice was soft and it was laced with concern. I just took this huge breath when I looked at how much worry was in their eyes. I did understand where they were coming from. I have been in my depression era for past few months because of Vusi and I know it must have hurt them to see me become a shadow of myself. To see me completely break in front of them.

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