Chapter 22.

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This was one of those moments for Nokwanda that proved to her that she wasn't as brave or strong as she let on to everybody. This was one of those moments that she realised how rejection was one of her phobias even though all her life she has faced this fear time and time again and always came out victorious but something about Jason rejecting her made her heart beat like anytime now it would stop or at least that's what she thought in her head. She regretted allowing Austin and Greg to drag her here,she regretted allowing her feelinga to convince her to even get on a plane and come here to follow a guy who in her head had made sure to send a clear message that he didn't want her anywhere near him.

'What am I doing here?' Her mind was also not at ease. Nothing of hers seemed to be at ease at this moment. She was questioning her every thought even her own existence and the fidgeting with her hands and sometimes biting on her nails caught Austin's attention who looked over at her. "Just don't pee on yourself." Austin teased as he took a peak at the very nervous Nokwanda who couldn't sit still on the passenger seat. She didn't even hear a word he said as she kept making these scenarios in her head where Jason yelled and told her to leave calling her pathetic. Her thoughts felt so real to a point that she hid her face in her hands as she tried to hide away from the embarrassment that she was so convinced was about to befall her.

"Ayike." Austin laughed lightly at her as he concentrated on the road,They were all traveling in the same car that they had hired at the airport and Austin was the driver. He shook his head as he looked at Nokwanda who still had her hands buried in her hands.  He decided to put on some sunglasses since the sun was out. It was a beautiful sunny day here in Cape town and Austin knew Jason's day was about to be more sunny the minute he laid his eyes on Nokwanda.

"Can we play some music?" Nokwanda asked, she wasn't even looking at him instead her eyes were looking out of her window as she took in the beauty of Cape town but she couldn't even let the beauty of the famous Cape town simmer in her mind because of how heavy her heart was. She regretted ever agreeing to this. She wished that God could save her from the embarrassment that Jason was about to subject her to.

Some rnb music filled the car allowing her mind to travel to the music instead of dwelling on the outcome that she kept imagining.
The whole ride to the Botha mansion was quiet except for the music that seemed to be the only thing that wasn't tired. The moment they got in the mansion Jason's mother rushed out to receive them. She took both Jason and Greg as her sons as well and her heart was more than eletad that they were here to see her and of course to check up on their brother.

"O my God, my seuns!" This petite blonde woman ran to the car like her life depended on it as everybody got out of the car. The boys rushed to her and received her love filled hug and Austin picked her up making joyful laughs fill this big yard that they have here.

" Dit is so goed om jou te sien ma!" Greg said kissing her cheeks which she smiled to. Everybody could see how much happiness they all felt at seeing each other again. Both Austin and Greg were acting like little boys who just got gifted some amazing toy for christmas and Jessica also was happy to see Mrs Botha, she was also one of the people ah knew as a kid and nothing pleased Mrs Botha like seeing her marriage with Greg working out and by the glow written all over Jessica's face she was happy in her marriage.

Nokwanda stood there awkwardly as she watched them embrace each other with so much love. She suddenly felt like an outcast. She didn't know anybody here and the colour of her skin didn't help and once again she began asking herself why did she even come here. She tried to get her uneasiness to disappear but she just couldn't. A lot of things were swirling in her head. One, she felt out of a place like she didn't belong here,  everybody here knew each other and kept conversing in Afrikaans which she didn't understand and second Jason was probably behind these walls waiting for a moment to chase her away like a dog.

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