Chapter 4

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You know that feeling when you feel like all your emotions have been paralyzed like none of them can work. That was me completely emotionless I felt empty and it was all Vusi' fault but I blamed myself for even giving him power to make feel like this.

"Let do John Dorys." I heard Zoe suggest.We were driving to wherever to get lunch since my friends were trying to cheer me up. For the whole week now I've been keeping to myself, if I was not at work I was at home eating some ice-cream while watching animated movies and I made sure I stayed away from the cinderella ones cause they reminded me of how I will never have a happy ending with Vusi.

I didn't even realise we were at the John Dorys parking lot till my friends snapped me out of my dull and sad thoughts.

"Guys y'all know I don't eat sushi." I don't understand how a sane human being can eat raw fish and beside I grew up eating pap and meat, raw fish was never in my menu growing up.

"Try it and you might just like it." Phiwe said and I nodded cause I wasn't tryna start no argument. We all got out of the car and I couldn't help but notice how dressed up my friends were, they were all glamed up and here I was,drab and dull like my cat just died even though I don't own no cat but y'all understand.

We made our way inside the restaurant and it was packed with white folks.

"Table for four?" This girl smiled at us but Thami spoke up.

"No we meeting some friends." Now I wondered what friends,as far as I'm concerned my circle is complete here but I didn't question her,it was probably one of her annoying ass friends that she brought around whenever we threw a party or planned a trip and it was always funny how we were the ones who always had to pay for her extra annoying friends. Good thing I forgot my wallet at home today.

I allowed the girls to lead me to our so called friends but only for my eyes to meet 2 pair of blue eyes and 1 pair of brown eyes that had some sort of happiness at my sight but was quickly replaced by a frown soon as a hand moved the face away from me.
Ain't this shit a bitch?

Jason has a girlfriend and she's white so I was right,he was probably trying to roam the jungle with me.

"Who is she?" Zoe asked looking at Jason's girlfriend which made this blonde bombshell give her a bitchy look as she rolled her eyes.
I don't know why but she reminds me of the white chicks,you know Marcus and Kevin when they turned into the white chicks. I guess bottom line is bitch is ugly.

"Why you have your face all scrunched up like you seen kak?" She asked in her heavy afrikaans accent.
Oh cause your face disgusts me!

"Uhm I don't really like fish,it smells awful to me." I lied,I didn't really like fish and yes it smells awful but she was the reason for the wrinkles in my face at the moment.

"Oh,let me guess you grew up eating pap and soup." After that she busted out in laughter,I'm sure in her head she's thinking she's the next Trevor Noah.

"I'm sure your parents are ashamed to have you as a daughter,ugly and stupid." I said,I didn't mean for those words to leave my mouth but bitch was tryna make fun of me and that was racist.

"Oh yeah,atleast I'm not a kaffer." When she said that my friends had shocked looks like they just seen Nelson Mandela being shot dead by Micheal Jackson. Okay that was stupid but it what can define their looks.

"Jason control your apartheid ugly ass girl or this kaffer foot will be in her throat and we'll see if Fw de clerk gon save her ugly man face." I took a seat my eyes on Jason who seemed amused by this but he also looked confused.

"Candice apologize." Jason said above whisper.

"No I don't need her apology,all I need is some fish and chips." I raised my hand as my friends also sat down and a waiter walked over to our table.

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